For writers who desire community, connection and more oomph to their current writing projects or to stay “in writing shape” between writing projects, Week Long Writing Camp Intensives are the perfect fit. Meet for one hour long session across five consecutive days with “Campfires” focused on a particular theme so that you will be inspired to improve your writing, perhaps engaging with your work in an entirely new way.
We want as many people as possible to come to Writing Camp because we know it changes the writing experience. It makes writing fun, vibrant and for many of us most importantly, it makes our writing more effective.
You may register for Camps individually and you may register for camps on an Annual Membership basis. Naturally, those who become Writing Camp Members have some very steep savings. For the cost of only 3 Writing Camp Sessions, you will receive 8 more camps (7 weekly intensives plus Camp Product and Camp A-ha) absolutely free.
Register Now for Our Next Writing Camp which starts THIS MONDAY~
April, 2012:
Showers of Words ~ Writing with Weather , Water and Nautical Texture
April 16, 2012 - April 20, 2012
8:30 am or 6:00 pm
Register for April Camp A la Carte one - S49
May, 2012: Writing Festival
Writing in Celebration of Writing Itself
May 7, 2012 - May 11, 2012
8:30 am or 6:00 pm
Register for May Camp A la Carte ~ $49
June, 2012: The Writing Journey
Memoir and Travel Writing (both metaphorically and specifically)
June 4, 2012 - June 8, 2012
8:30 am or 6:00 pm
Register for June Camp A la Carte~ 49
Wow ~ LOTS of Writing to Come... and lots of opportunities for you to grow, flourish, and experience community.
In addition to all of this, I will be adding at least one session of Camp Product and one session of Camp A-ha to the schedule. With membership, you are automatically able to attend those programs as well with no extra registration fee.
I'm certainly ready for you to be a part of Writing Camp this year.
Here is the link to register now for the Annual Membership via PayPal: