Coming to the nXAnnex Literary Arts Colony and Art Center in Northeast Bakersfield this coming Saturday afternoon, October 25 from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Experience writing from a fresh perspective through this interactive, engaging writing “playshop”. This is high intensity fun where the only rule is “just write and know it is just right.” Spirited activities combined with times of inspired writing create an afternoon that eliminates your writing blocks and sets your words free.
Join a community of passionate, creative people who share your love of writing coupled with joyful inspiration. Let go of "getting it right" and "fear of red slash marks over a pristine white page" and allow yourself to meet writing in a new way.
What is included?
A variety of writing warm-ups, prompts, suggestions and writing seed starters.
Engaging activities
Surprises (a-ha moments are an added bonus at Writing Playground.)
Incredible people including a new friend or two or more
A fabulous new space here in Bakersfield
Where: nXAnnex Literary Arts Colony & Art Center
3819 River Blvd, Bakersfield 93305
When: 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm
How much will this cost? In October and November, we are offering "Pay What You Will" pricing. You choose what you would like to pay (and in some cases, are able to pay.)
You may pre-pay via paypal or simply choose to pay at the door.
To register and or have your questions answered: Call or text Julie Jordan Scott at 661.444.2735 or send an email to juliejordanscott at