Summer in Bakersfield is so ridiculously warm we gather we gather in the evening at Writing Camp, when things slow down and cool off.
June 30, 2011: 7 pm to 9 pmish at Jastro Park in Downtown Bakersfield. Cost is by donation only ~
Meet near the Stage with a notebook and something to write with and a positive attitude. Inspiration to get your words flowing is just the beginning. This camp will focus on writing for insights and ideas as well as to free any creative blocks you may have. Optional items to bring: camp style folding chair, water, snacks to share.
July 8, 2011 - 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm: Sunset on the Bluffs Writing Camp: Cost - $10
We will meet at the farthest West section of the bluffs for the best view of the Sunset. Look for the camping tables and our portable poetry fire ~ You may pre-register by visiting PayPal and paying your tuition early or by calling Julie directly at 661.444.2735 to hold you a space.
This camp includes both individual writing time and ends with a session at the Poetry Camp "Fire". Be prepared to write on your own as well as work to create a collaborative poem in a creative experience unlike any other.
We may not have Fireflies in Bakersfield, but we do have a dynamic Writing Camp experience for you to settle in with notebooks, pencils and creative hearts wide open for a unique writing experience with Julie Jordan Scott.
Follow me on Twitter: @JulieJordanScot
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© 2011
Julie Jordan Scott
Oh wow total Blessing...I will be able to go Thursday the 30th..I so want to go on the 8th however I am going out of town...And its at the Bluffs...Lip out...Sending my smiles that evening the 8th..M&M
Posted by: Michelle Moreno | 06/26/2011 at 07:04 PM
We will schedule more bluffs events, Michelle - this is only a beginning!
Posted by: Julie Jordan Scott | 06/26/2011 at 08:37 PM