Have you ever wondered what it would be like to attend a Virtual Writing Campfire? You don't need to wonder any more: you may listen to the recordings from one of our Open Houses to experience it yourself ~ and there is a bonus for those of you who choose to listen. Click here to listen and pick up your bonuses.
You may wonder: why should I attend yet another Writing Teleclass? How is Writing Camp different than all the other Writing Teleconferences out there?
You will approach your writing in a new way so that you may hit your writing reset button if you're blocked, stuck or just plain ol' uninspired. We write through resistance at Writing Camp. We don't talk about writing through the resistance, we take time to write "around the campfire" and will do so, even during our open house.
You will become more playful with your writing so you will be able to let go of any "I'm doing it wrong!" self-writing-talk. At Writing Camp there are no wrongs, there is only writing what is right for you at that precise moment. We work at editing as a separate process. The most important thing at camp is to begin the process, to open the door to whatever wants to be expressed through your words onto the page.
You will discover the power of the nature-self connection we use at Writing Camp takes your writing explorations into the blood of the Earth and into the Blood of your Self so that you are allowed the space, setting and sanctuary to write in ways that are as truth-filled as muddy feet, burrs in your hair and as poignant as pre-Spring flowers.
Make your writing seriously fun and engaging so that you free any genre of writing: business letters, poetry, screenplays, memoir, emails, sales letters, stories - whatever sort of writing is your writing from your chore list and add your writing to what you truly love list.
Writing Camp is the writing workshop that is a personal development workshop and an "all around creative expression" workshop, too. It is a celebration of our highest self ~ and expressing that highest self to the world via our creative and writing projects. We gather around a Virtual Campfire to write ~ we use the combination of passion, intention and creative community and discover our words to be more authentic and courageous.
We offer our writers the opportunity to write in a supportive creative community that focuses on growth both as a writer and as a human being. We use writing prompts to get "our pencils moving."
During this 60 minute Campfire Open House, we will take time to write. We don't just talk about writing. We will, in fact, begin with a prompted writing warm up followed by a writing lesson (a campfire talk) more writing, an exercise or game and for the bravest among the writers, some "fresh from the pencil" sharing.
You may also expect encouragement and a warm welcome and inspiration will continue after our Open House Campfire has ended.
Writing Camp was created specifically so your writing will grow and flourish through joining this unique writing experience.
Attending the Open House is simple: We will open our doors on Thursday, February 10 at 1 PM Pacific time and 4 PM Pacific time (that is 4 PM Eastern time and 7 PM Eastern time.) All you have to do is dial this number: (712) 432 3100 and when the number connects you, enter Conference Code 440137.
To be reminded of the time as well as receive the surprises I mentioned... I need to have your email address. Remember, we will never share your email information, this is simply to communicate with you about Writing Camp.
There will be two special announcements during the camp fire, including a special bonus for people who attend either campfire. If you bring a friend along, you will receive a second gift.... as well as having a great time just for being amongst an incredible community of writers.
If you would like to find out more about other upcoming Writing Camp experiences, including our upcoming seven week camp beginning February 17, find out more by clicking this link.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE your Writing camps!! They get me writing and my heart SINGING!!! You are the most INSPIRING, JOY FILLED Humble, Honest Teacher ever!!!
Posted by: Morgine | 02/08/2011 at 12:46 PM
Wow, Morgine. Thank you so much! Your words delight me... and I am especially grateful for humble, honest... joy... well, all of it. Speaking of singing... this would make a grand song!
Posted by: Julie Jordan Scott | 02/08/2011 at 03:57 PM