Diana at Righteous Bacon has taken Reverb down a path that is for the writers among us. I love this concept, especially because I am focusing on my professional life in 2013. I am not excluding my personal life, mind you, but am adding more energy to my life work.
I am doing a Two-Fer, since I didn't respond to yesterday's prompt yesterday.
Tu. Define platform. What does it mean to you? What would you like yours to do for you?
W. What platform have you been using and building in 2012? Does it align with who you are, your superpowers? (From Julie: I revamped this as a looking forward sort of thing… as well as in the couple weeks left of 2012.)
I love these prompts specifically based around my writing business and I have been excited and dreading the process of responding honestly to them. I want to, though, because getting back into my Publishing Diva self is something I am creating in 2013.
Way back when I had a very busy website, a radio show, ezines with over 20,000 subscribers and I thought I was badass. I was, actually, doing quite well with my writing and my coaching practice but then… out came the rug when life started spinning. I never got back up completely… kinda hunched over, protecting my gut from getting kicked back into another version of hell.
So, could it be possible that because of that hunching-thinking-I-need-protection that new hells just keep spurting up with a more rapid rate than I was a badass epublishing diva?
Now there is something to ponder!
My platform as I see it is what I am building my professional life upon… I digressed in searching for a Mary Oliver quote but didn’t find it. Perhaps I will find it before this week of writerly reverbing is done.
My platform:
Publishing Blogs and Ezines
Leading Workshops/Teaching
Conversations with the People I Meet
Poetry performances
Bios in Programs
Networking on line with like hearted and minded souls
Now, let me check out my super powers from Monday and see how they align… I am sure I am missing bits and pieces and snippets, but…
- I normally think of myself as easy going, but when I am intensely focused, I am all about business and no bars are held. I need to allow myself to use this Super Power more often… the No Bars Held part.
In other words SPEAK UP about my professional life, not just my creative-for-fun life. Print up more business cards/fliers/etc and get them out wherever I go…post them with love and pride and a vision for having a larger than I can imagine impact on both individuals lives and the changing vibe of the planet.
- I am really good at bossing people around when they seem lost or perplexed.
This is good for when I hire a staff. Hey, I guess in 2013 I will be hiring a staff? What a cool vision!
- I am really good at extemporaneous speaking, (lets add free flow writing) especially on subjects I am passionate about and need to advocate for someone or something.
This will work in those conversations I participate in with whomever happens to be walking by. AND how about attending some networking events and instead of doing a canned elevator speech, individualize what I say and be playful with it instead of being an automaton like so many other business people. They are playful when with friends but they put on a business hat and all the fun leaks out! AND keep that tone in my writing of my blog, my essays, etc etc etc. Publishing! Teaching/Workshopping/Facilitation and in Emcee gigs.
- I am really good at picking up hints that “something is amiss” when no one else can see it.
A coaching “best trick”. Utilize is and go back to #1 and the NO BARS HELD! Also in teaching/workshopping/facilitation.
- I am really good at writing poetry off the top of my head and not worrying if it ever gets written on paper or remembered past the moment I riff it.
Poetry performances, Street Fairs, any sort of event I attend I can make into a personalized poetry experience. Great idea to continue to whittle away at my craft and build and build up my platform. Publishing (including video and other media), teaching, facilitation.
- I am really good at sticking up for others and am getting better at sticking up for myself.
Yes, back to #1 with No Bars Held. Note to self: think of another way to say it other then No Holds Barred. Find the history… and so I did. Wow, the definitions alone will make for some great art/blog posts. Oh mi gosh. My theme for 2013 is growth and I believe my January theme will be “No Holds Barred.” That’s IT!
Useful across the board. Sticking up for myself and the world and myself – publishing, teaching, performing, etc etc etc
- I have a ridiculous good memory for stuff that happened when I was younger.
Use it to create connections writing, networking and conversations. Publishing. Workshop Facilitation, teaching.
- I am exceptional at writing my emotions on paper and helping to express it by following with humor. I got this compliment just this weekend and naturally I wrapped it up in a long ago therapist saying, “You seem to cover up a lot of deep stuff in humor. What makes you do that?” Hmmm. Other are usually more comfortable with humor rather than pathos. (Getting better at not caring what other people think.) Publishing, workshop leading, facilitation.
See above, my love, see above. (How nice to call myself MY LOVE! LOL)
- I am good at letting things
roll off me. Detachment is also a
superpower to be brought in when the time calls for it. Be wary of when I am feeling vulnerable. Just up the ante on consciousness & it will be better.
Ummmm, I am seeing a theme here….
- I am passionate. I am passionate! I AM PASSIONATE! Superpower #1 fuels EVERYTHING!
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