Today I gathered with some of my long term writing companions to do what we love doing together, separately: write.
There were three of us this time: I was in Bakersfield and
my friends were in Oregon and the UK. We have met via teleconference bridge
line for years. I don’t even know how many years. There are others in our group, but we are forgiving if writers can't attend. We think of the other writers who are missing and move along with our words sending word-love in their absence.
We share leadership in this group and the only thing I cared was I did not want to be appointed leader this time. My energy is scrunched into a ball right now so I was grateful when Jan volunteered, bringing writing prompts we included or almost ignored as our words took form on our writing notebooks or computer screens.
Somewhere after our second or maybe third prompt I said, “I don’t know what it is, but I feel so connected to the river today. I read from a book about rivers this morning and it has stayed with me and I find it here, again, too.
I look back now and read the quote: “Rivers are like people, each has a unique character and personality. Perhaps this is why they have a special appeal to writers.” I attempt to find who was the writer and I cannot tell who it was who sent this quote-stone into my blood waters whose ripples are still be being born twenty-nine-years or more since the thought was put onto the page in this National Geographic Society publication, America’s Wild and Scenic Rivers
Jan gave us latitude to create our own prompt and the words I wrote were “law of reverse effort, water, ancient, soul, backwards” and wrote:
We are together, the three of us, here along the river.
We don’t need to fish or swim or even picnic though we can and none of us would stop the other if we felt so compelled.
I can feel the healing invisible mist from the rapids as I breathe it in. It covers our skin and friendship with a quilt no others can see. We see it, though, and that’s enough. More than enough.
The tiny fragments of ancient life now comes alive again through us again. We volley words, we laugh. Tears crop up in corners of our eyes and no one thinks to chat them away.
Together we let the salt join the fossils, the water, the sounds.
We surrender to the holy moment with near silence as we each offer more life now from our pens.
Reflections on an inner tube, no. There isn’t a raft to separate us from the flow, if one of us falls of course the others allow her to flail a bit, either waiting for a plaintive appeal or gently, with grace, offering our hand, a word, an image on a handkerchief, embroidered, grateful for this chance to be here, today, resting by the river, together.”
This is why we continue to write together.
This is why writing groups, wherever they gather, with sincerity, openness and love, work for writers’ growth.
This is why I facilitate writing groups.
To grow and to witness growth of other writers. Writing groups need to be places we may learn, develop and feel safe with bringing our writing to life.
This is why I attend writing groups.
Yes, I teach/facilitate-whatever-you-want-to-call-it and I also believe leaders need to not always lead. Leaders need to honor others leadership, too. It is what makes a more powerful leader, after all.
Shared ownership of the group means shared intention to protect, create, nourish and nurture unforgettable moments and beloved writers who love words, too.
Follow me on Twitter: @juliejordanscot
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© 2012 by Julie Jordan Scott
Julie Jordan Scott has been a Life & Creativity Coach, Writer, Facilitator and Teleclass Leader since 1999. She is also an award winning Actor, Director, Artist and Mother Extraordinaire. She was twice the StoryTelling Slam champion in Bakersfield. She leads Writing Camp with JJS & this Summer will be traveling throughout the US to bring this unique, fun filled creative experience to the people wherever she finds the passion & the interest.
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