Today on #5for5BrainDump: Behind the Scenes on Day 1 (Via SnapChat)
Today has been a banner day for the #5for5BrainDump challenge. We followed up our 3 pm writing session with an “improv scope train” where Christine, Rachel and Patricia read their writing via live broadcast.
Each woman reported feeling absolutely incredible after being heard by the others on their scope.
Each woman gained viewers, followers and confidence.
I think each of us cried with the unbridled joy that comes from showing up whole-heartedly.
Please join us for Day 2 of #5for5BrainDump.
Would you like to be a part our Tuesday live broadcasting Scope Train?
Sign up at PeriWriters before 2 pm Pacific time tomorrow.
I will take the first three Broadcasters who request to share their writing. You may also share your writing on the PeriWriters facebook group, on your own blog – simply please use the hashtag #5for5BrainDump.
I ended our last moments together this afternoon saying “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if more people could feel this feeling we’re feeling now?
What's new for July #5for5BrainDump Challenge?
- We will continue to have our signature 3 LiveStream Sessions Daily -
- We will add Live Stream "Scope Trains" as an option for up to 3 writers to read their BrainDumps immediately after the BrainDump writing session. (Naturally you may also post on our PeriWriters Facebook Group or on your own blog or keep your writing to yourself. We are open to you choosing how you would most like to share).
- Each Monthly Brain Dump will have a theme for the Prompts/Intention - in July our theme is "Your Next Breakthrough"
- There will be prizes given on Saturday, July 30 at the end of the session for participants who have attended, shared and volunteered to be on Scope Trains.
- If there is a demand, we will consider adding a Facebook Live BrainDump stream as well.
If you have no idea what we're talking about:
What is the #5for5BrainDump Challenge?
It is a chance for you to experience breakthrough, to blossom, to burst to bud to open to whatever wants to be born through your pencil, your pen, your fingers on the keyboard.
We are BACK because the participants from the last challenge received such dynamic insights and had such tremendous results, I had to bring it back again.
What could be simpler?
All you do is this: set a timer for five minutes and write for five consecutive days. If you like, you may join us via live streaming to write in the company of others, live.
The first time I wrote this blog page, that's exactly what I did: I set the timer for five minutes and I wrote and hit PUBLISH.
That's right!
I set the timer for five minutes and am writing you this brief explanation because I believe the world is waiting for your words, all those words that are clogged up inside you because of overthinking and your inner critic working more time than necessary.
Dumping your brain out on the page takes away the inner critic terrorism, unlocks your word flow and finally gives the messages that have been waiting to be born through you the space to become. The space to take root. The space to be heard over all the shouting.
Seriously: in five minutes you can go to clogged thinking to a sense of peace.
Deep breath and write and after maybe ninety seconds of consistently writing without thinking, hushing the shouts of "What the hell are you doing?!?!" the good stuff starts trickling out and eventually flows.
The thing is, you grow in trust daily.
Your heart and subconscious mind starts to revvvvvv again.
Your heart and subconscious mind powerhouse understands, "He loves me!" and "She is here, she wants to get to her greatness again, that greatness that made that dimply grin when she was a toddler is opening up daily!"
Seriously – five minutes is all it takes.
For those who benefit from IN PERSON WRITING COMPANIONSHIP we will be hosting Live Stream Writing Sessions -
We will meet via Periscope (Follow @JulieJordanScott on Periscope or follow along live on the web here or on Twitter here)
(And I still have 48 seconds left, which I think I will fill with love.)
You are love personified, put it on the page.
You have so much love inside, share it.
There are people waiting to be with you, in love and admiration, write it.
You are a gift to the world, allow the world to open your gifts, to oooh and ahhhh with you!
My timer is sounding – wind chimes of celebration.
#5for5braindump challenge
The main place to network and get support is the PeriWriters Facebook Group, but you may also simply use the Hashtag #5for5BrainDump and find us across social media platforms.
Please stay in touch: Follow me on Twitter: and on Periscope for writing prompt, tips and inspiration daily created to ignite your artistic rebirth.
Be sure to "Like" WritingCampwithJJS on Facebook. (Thank you!)
Follow on Instagram And naturally, on Pinterest, too! © 2015/2016
Julie Jordan Scott inspires people to experience artistic rebirth via her programs, playshops, books, performances and simply being herself out in the world. She is a writer, creative life coach, speaker, performance poet, Mommy-extraordinaire and mixed-media artist whose Writing Camps and Writing Playgrounds permanently transform people's creative lives. Watch for the announcement of new programs coming in early Summer and beyond.
To contact Julie to schedule a Writing or Creative Life Coaching Session, call or text her at 661.444.2735
Check out the links above to follow her on a bunch of different social media channels, especially if you find the idea of a Word-Love Party bus particularly enticing.
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