We hear it in the same way we brush our teeth, change our clothes or turn the key in the ignition of our car and back out the driveway. “To be a better writer, one must have a writing practice.”
For many of us, the idea of a writing practice where we sit and attempt stream of consciousness leaves us flat and in leaving us flat, we abandon writing practice before we receive any benefit from it at all.
Instead of not doing a writing practice at all, I suggest being more creative with writing practice.
One creative way to engage with writing practice is through the use of five minute writing prompts.
Yesterday, created a writing prompt using words that start with the prefix “re” and in five minutes, here is what I wrote:
Replenish. Rejuvenate. Restore.
I am having a love affair with the Prefix “RE” today.
Again and again and again I am reminded of the vitality I feel when I meander back to investigate, playfully with whatever it is that calls me. I prefer not to rush through an experience just to mark something “done”, I prefer layers of texture, a surprising flavor after I’ve held something in my mouth for a moment, a delightful end note of a piano player’s warm ups.
My laughter gurgles up from someplace deep within me.
Replenishing. Rejuvenating. Restoring.
It isn’t a surface experience, a slight “tee hee” it is a lusty, vibrato filled and at times even silent laughter – laughter that is a rejoicing song of delight.
As I write this morning my face is covered in a smile.
I imagine it a kaleidoscope over my face, a smile virus, a touch of the “where did this happiness come from?” flu.
I reminisce with my words, I re-engage with this exact moment, I celebrate with gratitude all that is, all that was and what is to be.
My fingers stop tapping on the keys as I take another look, I pause to review, I allow myself to fully feel my pleasure in this five minute dance with the prefix “re”. I could do this over and over and over again. Re. Re. Re.
Replenished. Rejuvenated. Restored.
It felt like something of a miracle. I only did a stylistic edit by taking the tenses of replenish and scatter them throughout the writing practice because I thought it would flow better “for an audience.”
Now it’s your turn.
Set your timer for five minutes and scoop up your favorite three “re” words and write, without thought. Write at your computer or by hand.
I look forward to hearing how it goes for you. Perhaps even reading your words!
Julie Jordan Scott inspires people to experience artistic rebirth via her programs, playshops, books, performances and simply being herself out in the world. She is a writer, creative life coach, speaker, performance poet, Mommy-extraordinaire and mixed-media artist whose Writing Camps and Writing Playgrounds permanently transform people's creative lives.
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