These words were playing in my mind, over and over again,
“Behold the wonder of the…. Behold the wonder of the…. Behold the wonder of the….”
I know the word I used to end that proclamation and I also know how some people with limited thinking responded to me. There is one voice in particular who said, “How pretentious!” that made me wonder what language he heard me speaking because it seemed so strange to think “Behold the wonder of the foot” was pretentious.
It was, after all, Martha Graham who wrote, “Think of the magic of that foot, comparatively small, upon which your whole weight rests. It’s a miracle and the dance is the celebration.”
I didn’t think any of those words are the least bit pretentious.
That friendship ended after a couple weeks, after my brother died and that person said something else rather stupid.
I digress, however.
Behold the wonder of the foot has been ringing in my mind since I saw Susannah Conway's AprilLove2016 challenge prompt, “Dear Foot”
Before I read what I wrote, I want to ask you the question to consider – what do you want to behold the wonder of that some people might find… odd?
Dear Foot,
Behold the wonder of you, beloved foot, carrying my weight for all these years without major complaint. You serve my relentless whims, conjectures and experiments, my insistence upon wearing this shoe or that shoe or the other shoe without critique beyond the occasional ache or pain. Why the infinite sacrifice? You never get applause or kudos or… ahhhh, there it is, My pencil stumbles upon an a-ha moment that floats from its scratching tip toward me.
Was it you, dear foot, that coaxed me back into the almond orchards last month, you who urged me to take off my shoes and feel the cold, fertile soil the almond petals blanketed? I thought that nudge was divine yet now I can almost feel you smiling, beloved feet – the times you carried me gleefully into mud baths and freshly mowed lawns and to the edges of the surf.
I had no idea it was you – and yet I did. I must have, somehow.
How fitting it is, then – “Behold the wonder of the foot…”
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Tomorrow's prompt is "Dear Morning"
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