I had no plan when I hit "start" on my timer to write. What follows is clear stream of consciousness flow which turned into an invitation of sorts.
Absolutely. Which is why I love this brand of writing, without attachment, without editing, without anything except blurting words onto the page.
Read on, loves...
This morning I sipped from my Green Apple Books coffee mug and was reminded how much I need to go to San Francisco. Soon.
It isn’t that I want to go, it is I need to go. San Francisco is such a me place - I only live five hours away - but life and activity and lack of awareness has combined to give me an entire year absent from her cradle, her loving arms, her warm breasts of creativity - perfect pacing - and yes, the view the scent, the variety, the stuff to do, the cool people….
I sat writing poetry yesterday and it may have been her siren song calling me.
Inspiration and Ina Coolbrith park. Labyrinths and Land’s end. Russian Hill. Street corners and intersections are even liberating just by being street corners. Urban coffee shops: morning pages in urban coffee shops. Languages I don’t understand being spoken all around me, a chorus of vowel sounds combined which my intellect can’t translate but my heart - oh, my heart can.
A real estate show is on the television someone else is watching.
DIY in Bakersfield plummets in my head - oh wait, this is in some Texas Town, brought into my home.
Which is sort of like Bakersfield. Actually, Waco Texas is much more like Bakersfield than San Francisco is.
Across the bridge from San Francisco: Berkeley. Oakland. Emeryville. Bart takes me to and fro, under the bay. I could walk the Golden Gate bridge today if I hopped in my car and just drove!
I need to make a soul appointment and go. (And the timer goes off. Right then. How perfect is that?)
This was my 5 minute Stream of Consciousness Sunday post. It’s five minutes of your time and a brain dump. Want to try it? Here are the rules…
Set a timer and write for 5 minutes.
- Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. This is writing in the raw.
- Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.
- Link back to this post (feel free to use the SOC Sunday graphic).
- Add your post below (be sure to use the permalink to your post, not your blog’s URL; and only NEW posts please).
- Visit your fellow bloggers and show some love.
Write your post and add your link at AllThingsFadra.com!
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