To Read this series from the start, please visit this #31 Days Link after you have read this essay.
“The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.”
-Harriet Beecher Stowe
I was drawn to the quote from Harriet Beecher Stowe because I believe it wholeheartedly AND I also believe requests left unspoken are gifts left unwrapped, relationships never knit together, generosity tossed aside and stomped upon.
Try it like this now:
“The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid, deeds left undone, requests left unspoken. This leads to unwrapped gifts, relationships were never knit together, and others generosity was tossed aside and stomped upon.”
-Harriet Beecher Stowe and Julie Jordan Scott
Too often we worry about our discomfort with making requests more than how positively it may impact the person we ask. I am surprised how many times people have thanked me for making requests of them. The other piece is it helps you to grow by learning to be detached: asking for things you don’t think will be granted is a great way to learn how to ask without worry about the yes or the no.
Asking for what you want may be completely foreign to you OR perhaps you are one of the lucky ones who were born with the ability to ask for what you want.
For the less practiced of us – including me - You may start by making small requests. When you are with a group of friends about to go out, you may ask "May we go to this movie?" or "May we go to that restaurant". With your supervisor you perhaps you’ll request "May I take one Friday in August off from work?"
When you make a request, you might even tell the person “I am challenging myself to make requests, so please don’t feel compelled to say YES to this.” And then ask. And then be pleased with whatever outcome appears.
I suppose Chaucer’s words “Nothing ventured, nothing gained” have become proverb-like in our lexicon, yet so many people are afraid to venture.
Are you?
Are you afraid, perhaps of what you will gain?
Do you struggle with feeling less-than-worthy?
I know these are two of my biggest challenges. Fear and lack of self worth have plagued me for my entire life although most of the time I act like I am brave and I act as if I think I am priceless.
That passionate life we long to live consistently responds when we make requests and follow through with them.
Would you like to ask for something today?
I dare you to request something different and new to you today. That’s right, no lollygagging. The best is if you are in a position to ask within the next hour.
Let me know what happens: after all, you have everything to gain – especially a more passionate life.
Day 2/31 - A Passionate Attitude
Day 3/31 - Choice + Intentional Action
Day 4/31 - Passionate Detachment
Day 5/31 - Curiosity & Passion
Day 6 - Creating a Monthly Theme
This post was inspired by the #31Days challenge on
So far it has been a wonderful experience of creativity and community. I hope you will continue to follow along on my adventure AND the adventures of others.
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Julie Jordan Scott is a writer, performance poet, Mommy and mixed-media artist. Her word-love themed art will be for sale at First Friday each month in Downtown Bakersfield. Check out the links below to follow her on a bunch of different social media channels, especially if you find the idea of a Word-Love Party bus particularly enticing.
Please stay in touch: Follow me on Twitter: @JulieJordanScot
Be sure to "Like" WritingCampwithJJS on Facebook. (Thank you!)
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