Today from BlogHer's NaBloPoMo:
If you didn't have to be concerned about money or expertise, what would be your ideal job?
I never want to have a job again. I do have my ideal life work is exactly what I do now (write, teach, create art, life coach, speak, Mommy… ) but if I had all the money in the world to promote myself (and the time, remember yesterday’s bullies!) and a personal assistant to work with me on the stuff I don’t like to do, I could be helpful to so many MORE people.
I would like to do MORE of what I do and LESS of what I don’t want to do.
It is pretty simple:
- Eradicate Belief Bullies (I wrote about this yesterday) by Taking Passionate Action
- Follow up according to the results of #1
- Find more new and creative ways to rock the world that are uniquely me.
- Continue to tweak, revitalize and restore.
Are you ready to see it happen?
I am ready to risk & rock & roll!
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© 2013 by Julie Jordan Scott
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