In 2012 the greatest gift I gave myself was the gift to “just be”. I got extraordinarily good at it, actually. I said no to more activities than I had ever said no to in the past.
May I be the first to say I loved it… and at times, I didn’t like it so much. It has been a great exercise in discerning what I really want rather than what I do as an obligation.
The space to be was the greatest gift I received from myself.
The greatest gift I gave to others was unconditional love and acceptance, the gift of grace and forgiveness. This is a biggie and I am continuing to practice it nearly daily. The choice of offering grace, forgiveness, unconditional love and acceptance has torn at me many times in this latter part of the year.
I believe with all my heart it has been and will continue to be the best thing I could do.
As you may have noticed, I am not so into “physical” gifts. In fact, my daughters are getting only handmade and vintage gifts for Christmas this year. I don’t want to have another year of people receiving gifts they don’t even care about that find their way to the landfill!
Every gift I create is carefully constructed and made with love for the person who is to receive it.
What do you intend to give yourself in 2013?
I intend to give the gift of allowing myself to accept my personal gifts and talents and use them to build upon my personal success. Melanoma has taught me I don’t ever really have control anyway, so I might as well build up my success factor now, while I have time. This may also be the greatest gift I give to those I love – and among the best modeling I can do, too.
Reverb12 has been a terrific adventure for me. I have been so much more willing to dive into the crevices and cracks of who I am/was in 2012 in order to build an even better 2013.
I like who I am now better than I did when December - and reverb12- started.
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