This post is Day Two of the Thanktober Blog Hop. Even if you are not a part of that experience (and there is still plenty of time to join!) the power of gratitude changes things, no matter how you practice it.
Today I am so grateful for Dagny’s expansion from a smallish coffee house to a larger coffee house. The extra room made it that much more do-able yesterday… grading papers, papers and more papers but at least I was not alone in the task!
Today I am so grateful for my new Colette necklace-hand created by me! Even though it is temporarily on the *wrong* chain, I still love the outcome. Now I just need to get more supplies now that I know how it is done!
Today I am so grateful for last night’s poetry performance. It was lovely and low key and with my first band-aid free performance in nearly three months due to my melanoma (skin cancer) surgery, I felt truly content the entire time. This is a big shift. I feel it all over my being.
Today I am so grateful I got to spend time with Cameron yesterday.
Today I am so grateful it is Friday. I will get the morning to myself to create, to write, to dream, to consider and do some business planning for the upcoming year. I love Fridays ALMOST as much as I love Mondays!
What are you grateful for today, beloveds?
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Julie Jordan Scott has been a Life & Creativity Coach, Writer, Facilitator and Teleclass Leader since 1999. She is also an award winning Actor, Director, Artist and Mother Extraordinaire. She was twice the StoryTelling Slam champion in Bakersfield.
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