Sometimes I worry my kids do things just to please me. Mommy is eccentric, so they go along with her zany activities. You know, like this one: boosting Emma onto this sign so she can sit side-by-side with James Dean.
What other Moms do that?
I was so excited to post the photo on facebook. One of the comments was from my friend, Lori. She said, “She is so like her Mama!!!!!! Charisma”… or I think… just a little bit left of normal.
We certainly never did stuff like this when I was growing up. I can see the look of horror on my brother’s face.
I hesitate, though, because when my father was traveling in the publishing business and he had a colleague with him, he took a photo of her standing at the corner where James Dean died, pointing at the intersection. By the way, when we drove past yesterday road crews were in the middle of cleaning it up from yet another accident.
Maybe this loving to be quirky just because… is in the blood. And maybe the horror of doing stuff and acting on our quirkyness is a learned behavior or just a different strain of DNA.
I worry my eldest daughter, Katherine, feels like Marilyn Munster: the normal one
amongst a bunch of... oddballs.
I think I need to take off the worry DNA and put my genes to better use.
I should use that DNA to create art, or write a poem, or write an essay and along the way, change the world.
By the way, Emma has been nominated to go to Washington, DC this Summer for a special program for student leaders. She may be quirky and she is also quite accomplished, as many of the most unconventional in history have been, too.
Not to brag, but her sister, my eldest daughter, Katherine has a remarkable list of world-changing activities, too.
My children humble me. I wish I could live up to their model.
They are both unique world changers. I am a world changer and I have a sneaking suspicion you are a world changer, too.
What corner of the world are you changing?
How are you going about changing the world: Writing, volunteering, working mindfully, making friends, picking up trash, recycling or perhaps speaking up for injustice? Whatever it is and however you express it, congratulations and THANK YOU!
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© 2012 by Julie Jordan Scott
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