I worked more on my “Fragments” piece focusing solely on Emily Dickinson today. She’s been on my mind a lot lately, not precisely sure why but I am sure there are reasons. After I share my images, I will share a poem I wrote in her style, but definitely not a topic she had to write about when she was living.
This piece includes acrylic, snippets of ephemera, photography and crayon.
This top image includes flowers she pressed, a handwriting sample, poem fragments, a photo of her and the color you see underneath is my Tempest Zentangle from yesterday.
This bottom image shows my work in progress yesterday during a rare rain in Bakersfield, I lit candles and kept this “fragment” beside me. I wondered at that point if it was finished… and no, it wasn’t. The photo above shows some final touches I added. (the photo and more random ephemera.)
And finally, the poem I wrote in homage to Emily's style after wondering, "What would Emily write if she was sitting at this intersection?"
Street Light, Corner of 21st and Union
Electric orb
Sharing luminousness with the
Members of the pearly ancient profession
And the shaking, tittering loose toothed
Hungry for the next, next, next….
As well as the cars who have lost
Their way and landed
Underneath you
Thank you for visiting my Art Every Day Check in. I look forward to looking at your art, too.
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© 2012 by Julie Jordan Scott
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