I want to do an Emily Dickinson impersonation today. I want to stay inside my house and reflect upon things and draw plants. I want to bake ginger cookies for the neighbor children and talk to my family: Austin and Susan and their children.
I want to watch Autumn weave her way into the trees here in my Amherst home.
Except I am here, in Bakersfield, where it is supposed to be 98 degrees today.
Except I am here, in Bakersfield, and I have all ready received a text from fifteen-year-old Emma needing me to bring something to school which she forgot.
Except I am here, in Bakersfield, not writing on a napkin or paper candy wrapper, I am tap tap tapping into a keyboard on an electrical device only science fiction type folks thought of back in the 19th Century when Emily as alive.
I need a break from it all.
Maybe next week, I think, I will find myself someplace where no one can reach me. I can be like Thoreau, a female Thoreau.
I can walk amongst trees where there is no path. I can write in my notebook and have deep thoughts no one will laugh about because no one will read it until the thousands upon thousands that one day will.
And one last thing as I almost doze off at my desk.
Does it bother anyone else that the hosts, co-hosts and who the heck is that host at Good Morning America are like a Boy Scout troop that one woman managed to slip into because her mother wanted to run errands on Tuesdays and made little Annie spend the Boy Scout day with her brother?
Why am I the only one this seems to bother?
I think a nap is in order.
I am annoying the heck out of myself and I can only imagine I am annoying the heck out of you.
(this was an installment of Just Write, from Heather... links, etc, below.
Words from Heather, the creator of Just Write:Just Write, an exercise in free writing your ordinary and extraordinary moments. {Please see the details here.} I would love to read your freely written words so join me and link up. You can add the url of your post at any time. Just be sure it’s a link to your Just Write post, not to your main page, and please don’t link to posts that are not written in the spirit of capturing moments–like lists or sponsored posts. Then please link back to this post in your post so people know where to go if they’d like to join in. (Any links not following those two guidelines will be deleted.) Also. Please take a moment to visit someone else who has linked up! It’s a really good way to meet new writers and get inspired by the meaning behind their moments. Word?
Follow me on Twitter: @juliejordanscotBe sure to "Like" WritingCampwithJJS on Facebook (THANK YOU!)
Julie Jordan Scott has been a Life & Creativity Coach, Writer, Facilitator and Teleclass Leader since 1999. She is also an award winning Actor, Director, Artist, Performance Poet and Mother Extraordinaire. She was twice the StoryTelling Slam champion in Bakersfield.
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