I have a confession yet again. I have a difficult time deciding which of my whatevers is best. I have my favorites but perhaps they won't resonate at all with you.
There are some I took near my home and others I took far away.
And then there are the scads of graveyard photos. In my mind they qualify as landscape photos - especially for those of us who find cemeteries a unique place to spend quality time with ourselves and many other people who sometimes have even talked back to me.
I digress.
I chose four photos. I broke the rules. I am slightly nervous about going against the flow.
I have so many more. Perhaps one of these days I'll do what Cameron always tells me to do: as I take photos, set aside those which I consider worthy of "Julie's Best of" photos. It definitely would have helped here!
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Have you been looking for a poetry writing challenge created within a community of poets whose goal is to encourage, inspire and share thoughts with one another? Join me at OctPoWriMo Now - only days before we begin... and a bunch of tips are on the website now to get you started!
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Julie Jordan Scott has been a Life & Creativity Coach, Writer, Facilitator and Teleclass Leader since 1999. She is also an award winning Actor, Director, Artist and Mother Extraordinaire. She was twice the StoryTelling Slam champion in Bakersfield.
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Have you been looking for a poetry writing challenge created within a community of poets whose goal is to encourage, inspire and share thoughts with one another? Join me at OctPoWriMo Now - only days before we begin... and a bunch of tips are on the website now to get you started!
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