Day 1: Autumn Blog Challenge: Why Do The Autumn Blog Challenge?
I have a confession which isn’t much of a confession because most people know this about me!
I love writing challenges. They get my words blossoming faster than the crocuses and daffodils push out of the snow in late Winter, early Spring. I love the camaraderie that grows!
I also love conversation around words and writing.
Blog writing challenges combine all that yumminess of writing with others, getting nearly immediate feedback by way of comments & friendship, and usually I have several unexpected a-ha’s along the way.
I realized just this week I haven’t created or lived any long term goals in the five years since my brother died. Because of this awareness, my Fall will take on a different tenor: I am going to be my long term goal oriented and I am guessing this will show up in what I write, how I respond to the prompts.
Since Autumn is a more grounded time (with less travel) I imagine I will also stay right on task. Once August hit, my Summer Blog Challenge well had nearly run dry. I tried but never felt like I got back in the groove.
Maybe I should call the Autumn the Season Julie Got Her Groove Back although it won’t include me being a cougar of a muscular much younger man. That I promise you.
Instead, I will simply get the best version of me back here, behind the keyboard, and out there, in the world, doing what I do best. Communicating, Caring, Creating and Consciously Conceiving of life in a way where everyone feels love and knows love, and then being a bit of Julie Appleseed and planting that Conscious Conception that life is inherently good, right and beautiful… it is up to (I’ll stay with the metaphor) continue to tend life, to give it the chance to bear the fruit it was meant to bear.
THAT, my loves, is why I am participating in the Autumn Blog
Challenge. There is plenty of room for you amongst us as well. Come along!
Follow me on Twitter: @juliejordanscot
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Julie Jordan Scott has been a Life & Creativity Coach, Writer, Facilitator and Teleclass Leader since 1999. She is also an award winning Actor, Director, Artist and Mother Extraordinaire. She was twice the StoryTelling Slam champion in Bakersfield.
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