Yesterday I stood outside my car, staring at one of the many massive stone arches and unbelievably Sequoia tree like ancient red boulders, wise elders waiting for the humans visiting to just get quiet enough to hear what they were saying.
Some of us are listeners and translaters, others are interested passers-by and still others would rather be someplace with a better internet connection.
I wrote notes for a future poem in the 90+ degree heat but I didn't even feel warm. I felt just right. Sweaty, yes. Like I recently provided nourishment for hungry mosquitos, yes. Yet mostly I felt honored to be there.
We also capped the night in a funky little town that refuses to die. Its history intrigues me in a different way than nature does.
Today we are off to Zion National Park: a longtime goal of Emma and I.
Today's photo is not of an arch: it is of balancing rock. Katherine is walking on the far right end of the photo. If you look at the base of balancing rock you will see teensy tinsy people.
I had hoped you could get an idea of the massiveness of the rocks.
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