I don't know anyone who wouldn't like more passion, joy and pleasure in his or her life. These five methods are so easy to incorporate into your life and yes, even though simple they will make a significant difference. You will be able to take your life today and make it better for tomorrow. Keep repeating until all of a sudden you notice your life has improved without much an effort at all. This stuff is easy!
Let's start now -
- 1. Show up wherever you are with all your senses turned on. Sometimes practicing using the less dominant senses – for example, sense of sound rather than using vision for all your information – will help you observe life differently. Remember the sense of smell is our most ancient so its memory power is incredible. Your first grade teacher’s perfume on the first day of school is probably tucked away in there. Plus taking a deep breath to smell it all in will also help you learn to practice calming down through using your breath.
2. Keep your eyes on the metaphorical ball while scanning the horizon. There was an old saying when I was in Drivers Ed back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. “Aim high in steering” they told us. I think to this day I get some of my best insights and a-ha’s while driving because my eyes are constantly scanning and my brain is constantly engaged. Wisdom just floats in. Sometimes I even pull over to take notes other times I tell my brain, REMEMBER THIS! And guess what? It does!
- 3. Listen to all the sounds around you – the most surprising messages may be there.There is a famous book called “Do what you love and the money will follow”… I say "If I'm not having fun, its not getting done,"because my philosophy is I can make anything fun by simply being creative. Yes, even washing dishes and doing laundry can be fun. If you can’t change what you do, change your attitude about it. Be more childlike - remember how children make everything fun?
4. Don’t be a creature of habit! Simple things like taking a different road will open your eyes to wonders right in your neighborhood you never knew were there. When you hear yourself start to say, "Well, you know me I always do it..." stop! Replace with, "Well, you know me. I love adventure and discovering new places, people, activities... you name it!"
5. Devote yourself to trying something new as often as possible. Give yourself a weekly goal, perhaps, and a challenge goal of two new things a week. It can be simple, like eating a new veggie or a new flavor of ice cream. It can be big, like actually volunteering to learn the hula in front of a bunch of strangers. Always wanted to rock climb? Take a class! Never been to an art opening? GO! Dress up! No one will point and laugh at you. I promise.
Here’s a bonus example from my life just this week:
I woke up way too early yesterday morning. I opted not to go back to sleep since before I knew it I would be getting the kids ready for school. What did I do? Some small chores, some writing. I took the trash out and on the way to the outdoor trash can I looked up.
I was instantly awestruck. The sky was more beautiful than any painting I had ever seen. The day was dawning at a time I was normally asleep. If I had kept my head down, focused only on my tasks and to-do's, I would have missed it completely.
It took less than five minutes to have a complete transformation of mood because I was alert to life and I took what life spooned up for me. I didn’t get angry about waking up too early, I took care of business and noticed the beauty of nature right outside my front door. It doesn’t get much better than that… and you can do this anywhere, even in the middle of an urban area you will hear crickets or hear dogs barking far away or see stars or notice how differently the neighborhood smells in the fresh new, before sunrise day.
I will remember August 21, 2012 for the rest of my life simply because I agreed to stay awake rather than go back to sleep.
I wouldn't change waking up early for anything now.
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Would you gain benefit in applying any of these principals or just make your life more fulfilling? Call for a complimentary coaching session now - 661.444.2735.
Julie Jordan Scott has been a Life & Creativity Coach, Writer, Facilitator and Teleclass Leader since 1999. She is also an award winning Actor, Director, Artist and Mother Extraordinaire. She was twice the StoryTelling Slam champion in Bakersfield.
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