I am perpetually looking for ways to inspire my writing. Today I found "Sandra's Blog Hop" from my friends from The Writer's Post Group on Facebook. I figured, why not? Its a perfectly lovely Wednesday - and I'm honoring Charlotte Perkins Gilman and her fiction writing, so I ought to do as much as I can.... so... I offer you this writing based on the challenge from Sandra:
The first prompt is to write in the close first person:
(And I have no idea if I did it right!)
I don’t know how I get myself into these crazy schemes with Lisa and her life coach friend, Candy. The last thing I want to do is invest an afternoon hearing little miss chirpy talk about how to create a wonderful life when I should be working on my novel .
Yes, the hair on my arms is standing up at the thought of listening to Candy’s drivel and the need to smile into the hopeful eyes of Lisa, who is chronically concerned with my lack of motivation.
It’s easy for Lisa to say. She has been in love with Frank since she was twenty years old. I introduced them, for God’s sake. She doesn’t know what it feels like to wake up in an unhappy marriage for the last ten years because you just don’t know how to escape it.
No one writes novels about this: they’re too busy writing stuff about sexcapades of an early twenties woman discovering her kinky side with her jet-setter “how did he get so rich by his mid twenties anyway?” boyfriend.
Worst yet, Candy probably imagines herself as one of those women.
I see Candy standing at the big picture window, waving at me from half a level above me. Her orange and pink jacket scream, “I am the center of attention or I am nothing!” Her enormous pendant atop her petal pink blouse wreak confusion: power woman meet woman ready to conceive, or something like that.
Now that I’ve been spotted, there is no way I can go home. I smile and return the wave as I see Lisa join the scene at the window.
She looks exactly the same as the day I introduced her to Frank. You can’t see a single wrinkle nor any excess baggage from her three babies.
On the other hand I carry at least an extra forty pounds from my years with Mitch. Perhaps it is a pound for every month since the two of us have had a significant conversation.
I was still considering making an excuse when I heard the door open and Lisa’s voice call out to me. “Laura! I am so glad you are here!”
There is no escaping now. Damn.
© 2012 by Julie Jordan Scott
Julie Jordan Scott has been a Life & Creativity Coach, Writer, Facilitator and Teleclass Leader since 1999. She is also an award winning Actor, Director, Artist and Mother Extraordinaire. She was twice the StoryTelling Slam champion in Bakersfield. She facilitates Virtual Writing Camp & will be hosting the final session of the 2011/12 season next week. Register before it is too late: Writing the Journey: Memoir, Life Writing & Travel Writing Intensive.
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