My kids sometimes use the phrase, “Oh, she thinks she is ALL THAT!” which usually means the person in question thinks she is better than the reality.
I have the other problem: I have a difficult time valuing what I do without effort. It is as if I am of the belief things must be hard in order to be valuable.
Does this ever happen to you?
I’ve been working really hard to build up my business again – my Creativity Coaching and Writing Camps – so I am doing my best to connect with new people. I’ve built my business online before, but the internet changes so fast, I feel miles behind. This weekend I am participating in a fantastic Blogathon. It happened to fall on a super busy weekend and I haven’t been able to do as much as I would like.
Naturally. And I HAVE gotten more accomplished than many would have!
I wanted to participate in a blog hop this week called “Mom Mingle” but I thought, “No, I need to show what I’ve done this week and what have I done? What have I made?”
I thought of all the talented crafty women out there in the blogosphere and sulked a bit, because even though technically I had done some art and done some writing and done some craft and done some business-building and did a heckuva lotta Mommying, I didn’t think I had anything to say.
Then I started thinking more objectively. It must have been that little Angel standing on my shoulder.
This appears to be the magic key: thinking objectively rather than from that space of inner critic or chronic comparer. Celebrate who you are, naturally, and what you do will fall into place.
Objectively, I actually taught two successful writing camps to college students. And guess what, they liked me, they really really liked me! My friend who invited me into the class tells me over and over how gifted I am, but I tend to think, “Ah, this is so easy. How could anyone find this difficult? It is just like putting my socks on, no big deal.”
Only it is a big deal. Some people could never think of standing in front of college students as an expert in anything. I do it easily.
2. Did I mention I was in a play at the Empty Space Theater this weekend? This past week was tech week (stress!) and then opening weekend. Not only did I survive, I continued to grow my character and received kudos galore. I gave my all in my scene and then some. I have the bruises and blisters to prove it.
In the photo, I am a doing business social networking while in the dressing room...
3. I participated in the Blogathon – created 3 new posts (5 Ways to Enjoy Solitude, Passionately; 5 Best Ways to Be Sure to Write Every Day and Enjoy the Heck Out of It! ; and my initial: 5 Best Reasons to Join the Blogathon Bash Even if You are Ridiculously Busy. I joined BloggyMoms, discovered Tweriod, participated as much as I could in the twitterparties, started a couple other challenges which I will still finish and perhaps, there is time left, I can still write another “5 Best” post. I made notes in the dressing room (Blogathon2 from backstage!) so perhaps… you just never know.
AND… as a bonus – I took my daughter and her friend to the Norton Simon Museum for a tour with a woman who is going to be an AWESOME contact for me. AND I painted and planted another one of my golden pothos I grew from scratch.
I realize now I could go on and on with the ANDS but… I’ll control myself.
I look forward to getting to know each and all of you from Mom Mingle better. I appreciate the visit and hope to catch up on your blogs, on facebook and on twitter, too.
Follow me on Twitter: @juliejordanscot
Be sure to "Like" WritingCampwithJJS on Facebook (THANK YOU!)
© 2012 by Julie Jordan Scott
Julie Jordan Scott has been a Life & Creativity Coach, Writer, Facilitator and Teleclass Leader since 1999. She is also an award winning Actor, Director, Artist and Mother Extraordinaire. She was twice the StoryTelling Slam champion in Bakersfield. She leads Writing Camp with JJS & this Summer will be traveling throughout the US to bring this unique, fun filled creative experience to the people wherever she finds the passion & the interest.
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