Usually when I read stuff like I am about to say, I growl and frown, shaking my head. “Cop out!” I say. “Can’t you either say the things everyone expects you to say or just for once not be so cliché?”
I could write about the births of my children – they are my greatest single works of art.
My personally philosophy though is this: every day is a celebration of what has been, what is to be and most of all, what is NOW.
Therefore, every day is the Best Day of My Life.
No one clunk me over the head with a huge dictionary.
I will love reading stories of births and weddings and ephiphanys.
I love writing those stories.
To be truthful, though… I have to stick with THIS is the best day.
How will you spend this twenty four hour gift? What would change if you woke up each morning thinking "Wow, this is the best day of my life!" I bet it would make a difference in how you feel. I know it does for me. I know my life is richer and more optimistic now than it used to be.
Many blessings to each of my Summer Blog Challenge friends!
Follow me on Twitter: @juliejordanscot
© 2012 by Julie Jordan Scott
Julie Jordan Scott has been a Life & Creativity Coach, Writer, Facilitator and Teleclass Leader since 1999. She is also an award winning Actor, Director, Artist and Mother Extraordinaire. She was twice the StoryTelling Slam champion in Bakersfield. She facilitates Virtual Writing Camp & will be hosting the final session of the 2011/12 season next week. Register before it is too late: Writing the Journey: Memoir, Life Writing & Travel Writing Intensive.
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