The photos you see here were not taken today - they are past moments of cloud-and-sky-wonder. Thank you so much for reading my words.
I was lucky to have caught it today, but not lucky enough to catch it with my camera. A part of me laments that fact. It is difficult at best to describe my experience watching the sky this morning, but as I was driving during the “show” I will need to do my best to collect some words to attempt to at least reach toward its glory.
The sky was an avalanche of optimism.
From behind grey clouds, God’s hands reached toward me.
Thick with rain clouds were the perfect counterpoint to the daybreaks insistent glow.
I tweeted a haiku:
Grey with gold ribbons ~ sky looks like an introit sounds ~ daybreak sings her song
And a micropoem:
Rough day followed by a brisk, unusual June morning: optimism on a voluptuous grey cloud amidst deep blue & gold plate platter.
I thought I might have a time to capture dawn at her best, but by the time I reached a spot I could stop my car, the quality had changed completely.
It was fleeting, the moments when my heart held hands with God at dawn.
Just like each moment of life – the time is finite and the memory of it, the chances to return to it with my memory are infinite, with our without a photo.
Today, be aware of distinctly glorious – and finite – moments to capture in your memory to return to when the touch of the infinite is what you need the most.
When will you hold hands with Divinity today?
© 2012 by Julie Jordan Scott
Julie Jordan Scott has been a Life & Creativity Coach, Writer, Facilitator and Teleclass Leader since 1999. She is also an award winning Actor, Director, Artist and Mother Extraordinaire. She was twice the StoryTelling Slam champion in Bakersfield. She facilitates Virtual Writing Camp & will be hosting the final session of the 2011/12 season next week. Register before it is too late: Writing the Journey: Memoir, Life Writing & Travel Writing Intensive.
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