I know "busy" very, very well. I am one of those many-dashes-women. I am a Writer-Performance Poet-Blogger-Educational Advocate-Equality Activist-Mommy Extraordinaire-Singer-Mixed Media Artist-Photographer-Director-Actor…. You get the drift. I am not easy to put into a box nor am I able to say “what I do” in one breath. One thing I know I AM is a writer, partially because of my daily writing practices. Even when I am in the busiest of busy weeks, by following these simple techniques I share here, I flex my writing muscles. Try each top one at a time and see your writing flourish.
- Carry a small notebook for writing & sketching. Yes, old school with pages and require a pencil or pen to use. If you prefer using your smart phone, that’s fine. Just please please please do some doodling & sketching while you are out and about, too.
- Learn and use a note system for your smart phone. I use ColorNote. Lately, I have been writing “story starts”,”poetry starts”, and interesting quotes I hear. Eavesdropping has become an artform for me… makes for some great creative writing. People just think I am texting.
- In the beginning of the day, set a one sentence intention such as: Today, I intend to experience my work as a paralegal with passion, with integrity and with joy as I greet my clients and engage with whomever I encounter. I also intend to have enriching experiences outside of the office. YAY!
- At the end of the day, jot a few sentences about your accomplishments or those gleaming moments you would forget if you didn’t write down. Something like these. “How did Samuel grow into a size 6 shoe? His foot is almost adult sized!” and “Hearing Highway to Hell on the way to opening night: absolutely perfect.” And “Wow, I started the Blogathon at a horrible time for me – Yay?” Each of these sentences also serve as possible blog posts later.
- My old standby, when all else fails, is to list five things I am grateful for in my everyday life. Even if all I can be grateful for is running water and a clean shirt to wear, it is better than complaining about my part-time job or my child’s incessant whining. You may be grateful for even having the possibility of writing, simply, each day. Doesn’t that sound good?
Follow me on Twitter: @juliejordanscot
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© 2012 by Julie Jordan Scott
Julie Jordan Scott has been a Life & Creativity Coach, Writer, Facilitator and Teleclass Leader since 1999. She is also an award winning Actor, Director, Artist and Mother Extraordinaire. She was twice the StoryTelling Slam champion in Bakersfield. She leads Writing Camp with JJS & this Summer will be traveling throughout the US to bring this unique, fun filled creative experience to the people wherever she finds the passion & the interest.
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