Is April really almost over?
I know it is only 30 days long but wow, it feels like about 14 days long.
I have loved every moment.
My primary focus for writing has been the A to Z Challenge. I have been writing about Women Writers in Literary History from A to Z. One of the most challenging things about this is the letters that have sooo many choices and the letters where I need to search and search and search. I am trying to maintain balance in coverage, too so that makes it even more fun and interesting.
My “U” for example, is going to be a woman whose first name is Ursula who hails from New Zealand. I love discovering new writers with new wisdom for me to tap into.
I have posted daily. I have made art daily. I have loved the process.
And here is a quote from Brenda Ueland in 1938 just because it fits for each and all of us writers. “As you write, never let a lot of oughts block you: I ought to be more humorous, more leftist, more like Ernest Hemingly, more bitingly satirical. Then it shows. That spoils it. It will not be alive but dead.”
Above else, I want my writing to be alive.
Write a daily Cinquain poem. I have done this fairly regularly, but not daily. It is simple to catch up, though. That’s one of the joys of micropoetry.
Write a daily poem that is NOT a Cinquain. Yes, though again, this goal should read “WORK ON” a poem daily. I do that, I don’t necessarily complete one.
Complete the A-Z Challenge. I am writing on Women in Literary History. My primary focus is less well known women authors and I am alphabetizing by the first name rather than the surname. Yes. A couple of my favorites from this week were Sara Teasdale and Marietta Holley, sometimes called the “Female Mark Twain.”
Perform in at least Two Poetry events monthly. I surpassed this for April and have, right now, two performance gigs in May on the 1st and the 3rd. I think I need to increase this goal. Funny, when I did theater all the time I didn’t do many performances. So grateful to be back at it.
Continue to work on Women’s Sphere art/poetry project. It has been such a pleasure! Yesterday I created an Ina Coolbrith piece (with some Kate Chopin sneaked in) and a Diane DiPalma piece. Yay for California Poets.
Exercise at least four times weekly for at least 45 minutes a session. I haven’t been very consistent here. Will continue to step forward. (No pun intended… maybe.)
Tomorrow I will be attending the Los Angeles Time Festival of Books. (See my crossed fingers?) I meant to go today, but I caught whatever my daughter had. I've been resting it out of me so I can go to this huge festival (finally!) and report how wonderful it was in my Wednesday check in! :~)
I look forward to supporting you and being supported by you as this Round 2 continues.
Word-love, one and all!
Julie Jordan Scott has been a Life & Creativity Coach, Writer, Facilitator and Teleclass Leader since 1999. She is also an award winning Actor, Director, Artist and Mother Extraordinaire. She was twice the StoryTelling Slam champion in Bakersfield. She teaches a teleclass/ecourse "Discover the Power of Writing & Telling Engaging, Enlightening Stories" which begins again April 19, 2012. Find details by clicking this link.
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