Every once in a while something catches my eye that commands me to write, to participate, to tell my story as it connects with your story and the story of woman all across the world. Listen:
This is what happened when I learned of the Beauty of a Woman Blogfest.I am joining a group of dynamic women bloggers joined for the high purpose of sharing the Beauty of Women all across the world.Click this link to read all the entries curated by August McLaughlin.
In my case, that beautiful woman... is YOU.
It isn’t an accident you are here today. I am so grateful you are here to listen to my special message for you.
I was the younger, chubby sister
I was the glasses & braces wearing awkward girl in the ponytail
I wasn’t ever picked first
I never had the nicest (or first worn by me, many times) clothes
Underneath the "I am not good enough" simmering within
My blood, my heartbeat was holding, fast ~
An audible invitation delivered
The World as it is
So I became
The passionate writing rebel who sprinkles love with words
The one-time camera shy now ready to model
Even though oh so far from perfect middle aged woman
An advocate, activist, perpetually truth driven
As an optimistic realist I am
Coupled with bright smiles when I see
You, enter the room Yes – YOU.
I look to you – Yes - YOU
At the keyboard, reading
You with those hopeful eyes
Whose hand that just reached up for your heart ~
You, who is deserving of a dose of courage
And (at least) bushels of love let me tell you
You are beautiful
Yes, YOU
Are beautiful
Your invitation has arrived now via
Your blood your heartbeat your
Pulse… to be a part of this
Transforming planet and share
This news with the next woman
And the next you pass tell them
Whisper it…
You are beautiful
Shout it…
You are powerful…
Dance to its beat
You are beautiful…
Laugh as you tell her…
You are just right…
Pray it
You are beautiful….
Be a part of this dynamic world
Change… You. Yes. You.
You are Beautiful.....
Photos courtesy of Michelle Guerrero, Todd Powers, Julie Jordan Scott
Some rights reserved by United Nations Photo
Some rights reserved by Hanoi Mark
Follow me on Twitter: @JulieJordanScot
Julie Jordan Scott has been a Life & Creativity Coach, Writer, Facilitator and Teleclass Leader since 1999. She is also an award winning Actor, Director, Artist and Mother Extraordinaire. She was twice the StoryTelling Slam champion in Bakersfield. She teaches a teleclass/ecourse "Discover the Power of Writing & Telling Engaging, Enlightening Stories" which begins again February 14. Find details by clicking this link.
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© 2012
Julie Jordan Scott
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