Usually I write my Stream of Consciousness Sunday post bright and early Sunday in the morning.
This week there was no bright and early Sunday morning. I did the unthinkable: slept in until after 9 am.
After that it was run-run-run until my noon rehearsal. And then run-run-run to hang with my son. And finally, late in the afternoon I found myself here, back at the keyboard and oh-so-happy to be here.
I wrote for five minutes and this is what popped up:
I hopped onto the end of a twitter chat this afternoon. Boredom or waiting for a writing sprint does that to me. I want to fill in each moment with value so away I went, attempting to help a blocked writer.
She was sort of Eeyore voiced in her tweets.
You know, she sounded like this: “blaaahhh blahhh blahdy blah. Blahdy blllaaaahhhhh woes is me.”
I tossed back some thoughts, none of which she will try to implement I am guessing, and then next time it will be back to “blaaahhh blahhh blahdy blah. Blahdy blllaaaahhhhh woes is me.”
I decided to do a little bit of showing rather than telling.
I wonder what she will do with it?
Hate me?
Love me?
Laugh at me?
Laugh at herself?
Try it on for size?
She has not responded at all. I have learned to just let it go when complainers don’t respond. They seem more devoted to complaining than making their way out of a situation. It reminds me of getting a life preserver thrown over your head only to dip under it and swim away. Over and over again.
I have this opinion people need to earn the right to complain. If you are going to sit on your arse and whine and complain, you must attempt at least three new ways to make the problem better before complaining again. If you have no control over the subject or object of the whine, then shut up about it! Please!
How does your whining to something you have no control over help the world become a more interesting place for the rest of us?
Stop yer whining!
I had to pause a second and see how much of this I am speaking directly to myself.
Yes. There are bits and pieces and chunks here for me.
Hmmm. Yes, I will devote myself to stopping my whining too.
Happy Week!!
This was my 5 minute Stream of Consciousness Sunday post. It’s five minutes of your time and a brain dump. Want to try it? Here are the rules…
- Set a timer and write for 5 minutes.
- Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. No proofreading or spellchecking. This is writing in the raw.
- Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.
- Add the Stream of Consciousness Sunday badge to your post.
- Link up your post at
- Visit your fellow bloggers and show some love.
Follow me on Twitter: @JulieJordanScot
Julie Jordan Scott has been a Life & Creativity Coach, Writer, Facilitator and Teleclass Leader since 1999. She is also an award winning Actor, Director, Artist and Mother Extraordinaire. She was twice the StoryTelling Slam champion in Bakersfield. She teaches a teleclass/ecourse "Discover the Power of Writing & Telling Engaging, Enlightening Stories" which begins again February 14. Find details by clicking this link.
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Julie Jordan Scott
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