I forgot to mention in my check in last week about my latest writing-celebrity-travel to the Bay Area in Northern California. Specifically I was seeking the spaces and places once inhabited by the first Poet Laureate of California’s name: Ina Coolbrith. Yes, a woman poet was the first to hold this honor and matching title.
If you were around during the last ROW80 round, you may remember my travels to Emily Dickinson’s home and Louisa May Alcott’s home and the grave of many favorite writers and poets. On this particular trip with two friends and my children to San Francisco I expressed my passionate, weasel behavior in sniffing out the visiting the park bearing Ina Coolbrith’s name.
I have become somewhat obsessed with her as is my custom when learning about women writers from the past.
All day I was thinking of ending the day with sunset at the corner of Taylor and Vallejo, the only writing passion goal I was actually meeting on this trip.
When the others in my traveling group insisted upon me leaving the park before sunset, I responded in the only way I thought I could. I stomped my foot and petulantly shouted, “I am not coming down!”
Yes, I shouted that affirmation, turned and stormed back up one of the many stairs in this slice of a park on the edges of Russian Hill and Nob Hill.
I used to say this behavior was tantrum like. Now I see it was a breakthrough in standing for myself.
This park and many places in this incredible city is one of the many places where for years literary lovers have lived and written.
These places are better than Disneyland to me.
I had found two of Ina Coolbrith’s homes in Oakland which were now gone, replaced by a Chinese restaurant in one and the Frank Ogawa center covers the other. I was frustrated, sad and by this time of the trip, tired of rolling over so everyone else could do what they wanted to do.
We found a parking space and everyone joined me for sunset. They ooohed and ahhhed.
I even showed them one of my trademark skills: talking to completely random strangers about my passion. A twentysomething man came strolling through the park with his GoldenDoodle named Cooper. We chatted a bit about dogs and the like before I asked him, “When you wake up in your home in San Francisco, do you just feel so lucky to live here?” and when he found out I had actually journeyed for the entire purpose of coming to this park he didn’t even know was named for the first Poet Laureate of California, he immediately told me of several hang outs of the Beat Poets.
“Are they too new for you to be interested?” he asked. Nope. All poetry, always good.
Today in my reading, I discovered Gertrude Stein lived for a time in both Oakland and San Francisco also. Hmmmm. Next destination?
Write: Morning Pages Daily: I skipped morning pages one day and BOY did I feel it!
Content Writing:
Daily write at least 500 words on my novel in progress & indeed I have. Top on WIP is 777. I could go longer, but I think sticking to only 500 - 800 words gives the whole experience a different texture.
I have been so consistent thanks to two things: the #WIP500 folks and my #wordmongering #wordsprint buddies. The week daily @ 11 am sprints lead by Lauren Garafalo are an almost daily source of inspiration.
(See also Under social media ) I am not sure what is up, but I haven’t been posting much. Writing up a storm but not uploading. Does anyone else do this? What did you discover caused the glitch for you (I am guessing psychologically) to upload?
Read: Weekly ~ read One chapter each:
One craft book and one “fun to read” book (either fiction or Memoir).
STILL no discovery of Naked Drunk and Writing so I am reading the Women Writer’s collection. So far, lots of new loves discovered and some fascinating tidbits about Pearl Buck and Zora Neale Hurston. Will have a craft book selected by Wednesday.
“Fun to Read” Sue Monk Kidd’s and Ann Kidd’s Memoir: Traveling with Pomegranates.
I knew I would enjoy this book but I absolutely love it. Really love it. I am discovering so many parallels between my life and the lives of this mother-daughter duo.
Creativity as a Practice: Does going new places for new activities count? I went to a drum circle Friday night and to a spirituality circle on Saturday night. Both were very different with mostly people I don’t know yet. I did teach “A Time to Write” at Mercy’s Art for Healing Center which is very creative… but no painting, no Women’s Sphere Art, no photography… and I am starting to miss it. This is a good thing, eh?
Social Media
Weekly: I’m not on target of posting 5 blog posts weekly right now. I trust I will pick back up, especially with being accountable to each of you.
Biweekly: Yes, I have been posting Updates and continuing with SOCSunday and Wishcasting.
Daily: I have visited more than my original goal of “visiting no fewer than two or three of my fellow #ROW80” as well as Ultimate Blog Challenge and #WIP500 friends. I am a sponsor this round, so I am very conscious of commenting a lot of folks.
Finally, REMEMBER I WRITE BECAUSE I LOVE IT and… Word-love has the power to change the world. One sentence at a time, we are having a positive impact on this beloved planet.
It all starts when one-by-one we move our pencils….(I use pencil for any writing tool… pencil is the generic catch word I prefer!)
Abundant Word-Love to all my ROW80 Friends and Friends-to-be!
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Julie Jordan Scott is preparing to lead her first Virtual Writing Camp of 2012. Need to improve (& fall back in love) with your writing? Join us:WritingCampwithJJS.com
Follow me on Twitter: @JulieJordanScot
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© 2012
Julie Jordan Scott
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