This morning I was fluttering around #Reverb11 land, looking for a just-right-for-this-moment prompt. This one brought an immediate visceral response. It may be a couple days old for the rest of you, but for me it is extremely cutting edge!
What is one thing (activity, food, career, event, travel, etc.) that you’d like to try in 2012? Why haven’t you tried it yet? What makes 2012 the year to try it?
It borders on crazy that I have never done this.
Some of my fellow reverbers have an extreme distaste for the word "Try". As for me, I look at it in the same was as "I am going to play with" or "I am going to do a grand experiment in..." or "I am going to duck my head and go for it with as much glee and laser like passion as possible!"
Just felt it was necessary to clear that out of the way.
I have stopped trying to figure out or find the root of why I haven’t, instead I am just determined, open to, excited to begin my own publishing company in 2012.
This is my year: I turn 50 in January. I just finished reading Writing a Woman’s Life by Carolyn Heinbrun. It is a celebration of literature written by women and definitely a feminist classic. I fell in love.
I started reading this book because of an online writing challenge called ROW80 – A Round of Words in 80 Days ~ The Writing Challenge for People Who Have a Life. It is such an encouraging group the participants can’t help but get jazzed up about our goals.
The more I write this, the more I know it will come to fruition sooner rather than later.
Perhaps, no… no perhaps… I will unveil this at my birthday.
My smile is widening across my face.
Chiarascuoro ~ how does that best translate into English.
Claire = Chiara, who was to be my first daughter or my final daughter. She didn’t live outside my womb and then the baby I thought was Chiara was actually Samuel that daughter named Chiara was actually never to be.
Whenever I have considered a publishing adventure (outside the E-realm which I have done quite a bit before) I knew I would name “This baby” for my “other baby that never was.”
As I was driving around today with my children, I heard Molta Bella (again, Italian) and a nick name of mine from an old friend. Perhaps my business will be
Clara Bella or Molta Bella or Claire Bella or Molta Claire Bella.
Something like that, anyway. It is becoming more real to me as I write.
Wow. I have said it. And so be it.
I am Julie Jordan Scott ~ and this is one of my Reverb11 posts. This year, the Reverb Community is taking an individualized approach to this life changing initiative. I am answering several prompts a day in short snippets during either a 30 minute or 60 minute wordsprint. I look forward to reading other Reverb11ers writing & if you are unfamiliar, just use the prompt and use the #reverb11 hashtag on twitter. You'll have a blast!
Follow me on Twitter: @JulieJordanScot
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Julie Jordan Scott
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