Yesterday’s Reverb11 prompt from Geekin’ Hard was simple and went like this: “Somebody Has to Say It…” I feel like this is just a start. I was tweeting them separately before I thought, "Making a collection will be fun!"
Besides, who knows how far I may go with this?
~ Pain is an important part of your process. Deny it, run from it & you miss out. Love & integrate the pain instead. Learn from it.
~ the world will not spontaneously combust if you try something and you *gasp* fail.
~ Loving yourself is Biblical. ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." (NIV, Mark 12:28-31).
~ Psalm 139 applies to every sentient being. Each one of us is beautifully & wonderfully made. No matter whether YOU like how he/she was made or not. P.S. ~ Stop the Hate Now.
~ Sticks and stones will break bones that are easily reset and healed. Names WILL permanently harm many AND may require some attention from you or loved ones.
~ A favorite from my Granny: The hurrier you go, the behinder you get. (I need to remember this. Thanks, Granny!) Stop rushing. Remember the tortoise.
~ When you are yelled at our met with verbal aggression, never yell back. Speak softly instead.Fight hatred & meanness with the unexpected. Kindness, unconditional loving & modeling behavior for others.
And who knows, I may continue to add as time goes along. You may leave YOURS in the comments if you would like, or if you are on twitter, we're using the hashtag #reverb11. Share what you have to say because someone has to, afterall. May as well be one of us!
I am Julie Jordan Scott ~ and this is one of my Reverb11 posts. This year, the Reverb Community is taking an individualized approach to this life changing initiative. I am answering several prompts a day in short snippets during either a 30 minute or 60 minute wordsprint. I look forward to reading other Reverb11ers writing & if you are unfamiliar, just use the prompt and use the #reverb11 hashtag on twitter. You'll have a blast!
Follow me on Twitter: @JulieJordanScot
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Julie Jordan Scott
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