Everything is going to be ok. What is one thing that has shown you that things will be just fine in 2012?
How will you resound?
This year, 2011, was the first time in years I didn’t dread the holidays.
I even allowed myself to look forward to it a little bit.
I also allowed myself to believe (and am still believing and living!) this is the beginning of a radical shift. I feel it as a radically gentle shift – not too sprint-feeling and not-too marathon feeling, either.
I giggled when I read the prompt. “EGBOK!” I heard myself say in my mind. Immediately I was taken back to my early 20’s, before I knew how tough my life would be AND how wondrous my life would be. After you read about the signs that everything is going to be just right (OK) you will see why I giggled as soon as I read this.
What are some of the signs?
1. I am willing to say no. I have practiced saying no and guess what? I didn’t spontaneously combust!
2. I am willing and DO call my friends out when they are waddling through the bullshit jungle. 2012 means NO BULLSHIT. I just won’t put up with it from myself OR from others. Well, I will hopefully be able to love my loved ones OUT of living or wandering into that particularly harmful but sometimes so difficult to see waste land.
3. Samuel’s exceptional enjoyment of his new school AND his desire to be social. He seems to know his strengths and his teachers are giving him the same advantages to be leader as the neurotypical kids. Samuel is on the spectrum: either high functioning autism or Asperger’s depending upon who is diagnosing.
4. Emma’s ridiculous enjoyment of high school. I didn’t realize how much of my time in the past few years was spent on being concerned about Emma during her difficult and awkward junior high years. Poor thing and now, blossoming thing!
5. I enjoyed the holidays AND I feel good more often than I feel bad. Compared to my life in October and into November, I didn’t know I would be saying this so soon.
When I was in my early 20’s I lived in Los Angeles. Two talk radio hosts had the expression, EGBOK. Whenever anyone who called in was discouraged or THEY were discouraged they would say “EGBOK”. It is what I believe as well.
Everything WILL be just right, after all.
I am Julie Jordan Scott ~ and this is one of my Reverb11 posts. This year, the Reverb Community is taking an individualized approach to this life changing initiative. I am answering several prompts a day in short snippets during either a 30 minute or 60 minute wordsprint. I look forward to reading other Reverb11ers writing & if you are unfamiliar, just use the prompt and use the #reverb11 hashtag on twitter. You'll have a blast!
Follow me on Twitter: @JulieJordanScot
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© 2011
Julie Jordan Scott
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