Confession: I was ready to not bother sharing an Art Every Day Month post... sorry if it sounds repetitive, but then a Linked Within link from Day 22, 2009 inspired me to share, even if... I feel like I have more to say than can fit one post.
So many great events from the last few days and I will post here three in a nitty-gritty almost tweetlike style. I know I want to support all of you ~ and I know the feeling is more than likely the same with you. So rather than write-on-and-on like I usually do... here we go!
Snail mail from Mother Henna brought a lovely letter to Emily Dickinson which I will use with the next Emily Inspired piece. I aim to complete it by the 30th. Here is the letter alongside two of my earlier Emily Pieces: Homestead.
If you would like to collaborate with me on any future "Women's Sphere" pieces, the possibility is still open! I would love to receive letters to any women writers you love, especially those from the past. THANK YOU, Kara, for your lovely contribution.
SECONDLY, many repeat visitors know my admiration of Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Her writing in The Yellow Wallpaper was instrumental in starting the "Women's Sphere?" project. Yesterday... I visited the home in Pasadena, California where she spent her final days. The current owners even invited me inside to look around. I was sooooo joyful!
And THIRD! I completed my most recent work within the "Women's Sphere?" project. It is a bread board focused on Sara Teasdale. I love how this one turned out. It is inspired by the art of quilting... do you see hints of a quilt in it?
The grey and yellow photos in the center of the piece show what the breadboard used to look like with the Yellow Blob of paint representing Women's Suffrage. Women fighting for the right to vote here in the US wore yellow as a sign of solidarity. Much of this project includes yellow SOMEWHERE and in some pieces, it is the dominant color.
THANK YOU all for visiting and commenting. My next post MAY be longer. I love sharing my passion for my subject AND I love communicating my love with you.
Follow me on Twitter: @JulieJordanScot
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© 2011
Julie Jordan Scott
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