Some of you may have a gag reflex when I say this, but Mercury Retrograde is almost upon us. Even if you think it is a bunch of hooey, it never hurts to join the reflection, restoration, review, replenish re-re-re that is a part of this cycle.
I have been loving blog challenges and am just finishing a fabulous one in July following a never-quite-resolved June challenge... so it felt like August needed one. Enter.... 30 Days to Be a Better Me Challenge hosted by a woman from Singapore named Celestine Chua.
They are a day ahead there, so I am managing this one differently ~ I will copy the prompt/exercise into a document a day ahead (today, July 31 here, I copied the August 1 prompt into a Word Document.). I will allow the prompt to simmer and steep and early in the day on MY August 1 (through 30) I will post my response.
This fits my personal style perfectly. From the blog challenges I have done, it works to do it this way instead of rushing to get the prompt done as soon as it is posted, I learn more and integrate more when I am conscious to take my time.
(Plus it fits the whole Mercury Retrograde thing! >> giggles << )
Today I will be posting my final Ultimate Blog Challenge Post as well as this one.
I have become very adept to writing many blog posts a day... which has worked for me while on Theater Sabbatical as well as minding my sanity when I have all my lovely babies at home.
They aren't always the longest blog posts are the most proof-read blog posts or even the most... well, anything blog posts and yet every once in a while, I get something golden I never would have gotten without the challenge. This is why I do these challenges.
Have a grand and glorious Sunday! Celebrate and reflect upon July and voila, when you wake up... August will be here!
= = =
Interested in August's Virtual Writing Camp? Check it out and register now to reserve your seat. We begin August 8.
Follow me on Twitter: @JulieJordanScot
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Julie Jordan Scott
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