Wow. What a phenomenal day was had here in Bakersfield, California. By Noon I felt like I had created enouh for several weeks... when I published Daily Passion Activator before 8 AM I knew something exciting was up. And yes, it was.
You see, I had been procrastinating about DPA. I thought the passion had fizzled. Well, it hadn't and hasn't. I was so thrilled to hit "SEND" from my new/old domain I could barely stand myself.
See: this is what has happened with all this Creative Flow - surprises are sizzling through the ethers. My creativity is not necessarily what I had planned... most of the time it is better than I had planned.
Such as... for example. My Girl Effect blog post which focused on... The Creative Process - naturally.
I was on such a high, I had to go for a walk when I finished posting... and wound up with my dog, Hank, seeking evidence of Autumn in my Bakersfield neighborhood.
I adore the photos I took.
These two are my favorite:
What are you creatively fired up about today?
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