You are never too old to set another goal
or to dream a new dream.
C. S. Lewis
“You are marvelous.” Or something like that. She
said something like that, not sure what – but I
heard something like that spring from her lips.
I almost missed her compliment.
I was auditioning, once again, and thoroughly
enjoyed the way-too-brief-for-me reading. I
prefer auditions where I get to read over and
over again with different combinations of
people. I absolutely adore auditioning and
would like them to go on and on and
on and on.
The audition took place in the room where I
had my first voice lessons more than two years
ago now. I remember the first time I sang alone
for Amber I cried – I was so happy to be doing
what I wanted to do… something I had never
done at that level.
It was like admitting a long-kept secret.
“I want to sing.” And what came to be “I want
to perform.”
Rob asked me when I finished, “Do you have
any questions?”
I shook my head no and said, “Do you have
any more questions for me?”
He cocked his head slightly and said, “Do you
have anything you would like to tell me?”
A torrent of words flew from my mouth.
I told of my heart’s desire to be in another
show – I shared my passion for theatre and
how the love of performance started right in
this very room with Amber O’Reilly in voice
class… I shared my love of British Farce… I
shared my authentic “this-is-me-love-me-or-
I don’t know if I am a part of this Director’s
vision for this particular show. I know I would
love to do it – and I know if I am not cast, it
is simply “I am not cast for this particular
show at this particular time.”
And it sure would feel good to be in a show
at a new theatre with a new director – and
to use my British accent… and to do this
brand of Farndale-esque comedy?
It would be, like that unknown-named woman
said, “marvelous”.
Follow me on Twitter: @JulieJordanScot
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© 2011
Julie Jordan Scott
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