Ah, yes, Dear Blog Visitors - these poems were scribed several mornings ago when I had a luscious, Thoreau-esque morning sandwiched in between "hafta be here" or "better be there" appointments.
The essay, "Dana Point Morning" appeared in my ezine, Daily Passion Activator.
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Here is the poetry which unfolded - please enjoy.....
Dana Point Serenade
© 2005
Julie Jordan Scott
Wind blown flag flaps flat
Ponders its place on the mast
“Guess I am stuck here.”
My breath gulps through me
There is a man on that boat!
What is he doing?
Go Away II speaks
Voluminous name sake rise
Hat covers the face
My subject moves
Scraping paint seagull’s dense cry
She is stealth no more
Ralph Lauren pants clad
New Yorkers on holiday
High voltage reminders
Volare via
Counterfeit Volkswagen clone
Hmmmmm – it’s a yacht?
There he is
Whistler and
Wetsuit wearing neighbor
He knows I am
Watching and writing
Quiet smiles exchanged
“I am Frank”
He tells me
The sun whispers
In the wind
And tells us
“It is
Yes - it was a glorious moment in time, nurtured and loved into
being by spending other glorious moments in time.
Please be sure to subscribe to Daily Passion Activator or at least
leave me a comment. It is the little things like this that really add
to the increase for me - and to others as well.
With Passionate Gratitude,
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