I wrote this based on an Image Prompt from the InkSeeds creative writing blog... perfect timing as I had just edited the accompanying photo... and I loved it so much I was grateful to be able to use it this way immediately.
Yellow Blooms
Yellow blooms grow
splinter and multiply
along the interstate's
carpet runner
Winter stubbornly
holds a firm grip
lets go more slowly here
than the place
my geography
claims is my home
Yellow blooms open
my heart as the rental
car ticks away miles
and my children build
sand towers of memory
Exact quotes don't weigh
as much as laughter's echoes
the GPS goes silent
the people we meet,
their smiles return
our widened eyes
Forsythia, they tell me
Is what they are called
yellow blossoms:
the sunshine
singing Spring's song
before the chilled
people believe the truth
Forsythia: I see in
moments of forgiveness
willingness to love again
Yellow blooms open
grow multiply
= = = =
Follow me on Twitter: @JulieJordanScot
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