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September 08, 2013



Scuffed sneakers know
the shame of exclusion.

Why do I immediately imagine a pair of smelly trainers that have to be put outside the bedroom every night?! lol

Ginny Brannan

Rockwell had his finger on the pulse of our nation. He could illustrate a moment like no other. This was painted in 1946, just after WWII, years before the marches on Washington and Selma, when opportunities for "colored" people as yet leaned toward servitude. Still, the man in his crisp whites with benevolent smile seems to take pride in his position. Your poem captures well the unspoken kinship and understanding between the young lad and the gentleman serving him. Nicely penned.


nicely done Julie


Beautiful poetry ... love the way you ended this!


Amazing where kindness and compassion rears its head.... Where we least expect it....thanks

Morgan Dragonwillow (@MDragonwillow)

I believe that most children, before they may be tainted by parents' prejudice) see people for who they are and not what color their skin is. The true hearted know and see this.

Lovely poem and photo. Thank you Julie for sharing your creativity with the world. It always warms my heart.

Kathe W.

this is lovely


Rockwell may not have been a great painter (dare I say this to his fellow American?) but he certainly managed to illustrate his life and times beautifuly.

Your poem has something simple, clean and unfussy. I like it very much.

(I rarely attempt poetry myself - there’s too much of it around already. Not all of it good.)

Tess Kincaid

Beautiful write, Julie...always a treat...

Jerry E. Beuterbaugh

Most excellent!

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