Right now my poetry is focused on life, right now. This is the first poem I wrote today as I deal with melanoma and the surgery and its aftermath. This poem is almost like me talking to myself, giving myself a morning husshhhh husshhhh husshhh....
Today I discovered
My left cheekbone feel s empathy for my right cheekbone
It radiates pain and sorrow back to the space where
The cancer once reigned.
Today I discovered
Wounds heal much more quickly than I thought
And aren’t nearly as ugly as I expect them to be.
Today I discovered
Doctors who stitch up places where death could have
taken over do so with tender loving care
It reflects their unique healing artistry.
Today I discovered
I can and will and do feel better.
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Yeah you! We cancervive!
Posted by: Melissa Richardson | September 26, 2012 at 09:34 PM