It's been a while since I have participated in Three Word Wednesday. Today is my first day post surgery where I feel practically back to normal. I don't want to overdo it, but I do want to put into words what's going on with me.
This week's words:Chance; noun: A possibility of something happening; the occurrence and development of events in the absence of any obvious design; adjective: Fortuitous; accidental; verb: [no object] do something by accident or without design; [with object] informal do (something) despite its being dangerous or of uncertain outcome.
Entice; verb [with object]: Attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage.
Savor; verb: Relish, enjoy, (to the full), appreciate, delight in, revel in, luxuriate in, bask in; noun: Smell, aroma, fragrance, scent, perfume, bouquet; taste, flavor, tang, smack.
The Fan: Wednesday, September 26 at 11:36 am.
The fan moves air back and forth and back and forth each
Time swiping wind across my face, a wind anti-shield
It spackles my face in pain.
Or more accurately, it rakes my newborn scar
With slashes of daggers
It isn’t chance
So I move the flow of the fan so I may still feel its
Savoring distribution of energy, but I
No longer feel, in each swish and sway,
Cancer’s lingering footprint on my cheekbone
Slowly I savor my ability to wordify what circles
around me and sometimes entices me inside
To dwell amidst pain, pleasure and the question
of the “What’s next?” for my face in this precise
moment for both my children for me.
Here is how Three Word Wednesday Works.
Each week, three words are posted. We write something using the words.
Then come back to #3WW and post a link to the contribution with Mr. Linky (but please, link to the exact post, not your blog, by clicking on the exact post title and paste it to Mr. Linky below). As always, there's no hard-and-fast rule that you have to post on Wednesday.
But I invite everyone to check back often to read and comment on other contributions. This is, after all, a community for writers who clamor for feedback.
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a brave poem written with heart and poignancy.
Posted by: Paige | September 26, 2012 at 01:13 PM
well done and welcome back and hope you recover soon.
Posted by: Sheilagh Lee | September 26, 2012 at 04:06 PM
Beautiful, Julie! I'm sending all my healing energy your direction. :D
Posted by: Lena Corazon | September 26, 2012 at 07:37 PM
I thought a tiny horse had kicked you from the shape of it. I 'ouch' with just the thought of you speaking so am glad you have voice for blogging again.
Posted by: Old | September 27, 2012 at 03:46 AM
glad you're feeling up to expressing your voice again...and with quite a strong piece.
Posted by: RMP | September 30, 2012 at 07:52 AM