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November 03, 2009



You're so brave for tackling this emotional time head on! I am curious to see where the 5 days take you!

Linda Jacobs

This is beautiful! I remember when my daughter left. It was so difficult for both of us! You captured that feeling so well. I look forward to reading the rest of your series.

Therese Broderick

Thank you for sharing this heartfelt song of motherhood. It touches me deeply (my 11th grade daughter got her driver's license today). You wrung me out with these lines:

Wish I could be more
of what you need me
for you, my sweet love

Didn't let a tear
Fall onto your cheeks
Until you were three
I couldn't catch you

Leah Virsik

Oh wow, so touching, your words bring tears to my eyes.


My daughters are 3 and 1 1/2 (and there's one more coming in March), so the subject matter you're tackling is a ways in the future for me, but dang. Writing like this definitely hits me harder now. I only hope, when the time comes, I can tackle these feelings as honestly as you.

Looking forward to the next 4 installments. (I'm a day behind reading these; let's hope I don't get too much further behind!)


sorry I'm commenting on these out of order. Now I see that the whole poem will be for your daughter. I can only imagine at this point the emotions you are struggling with, but I know that is looming in my future as well. It sounds like she will do terrifically well at college! I don't suppose you know the Dar Williams song "The One who Knows," but here's my favorite line from it: "You'll fly away, but take my hand until that day, and when they ask how far love goes, when my job's done, you'll be the one who knows." Thanks for sharing these fragile emotions.

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