If this is your first visit to AND NOW YOU WRITE, your timing is perfect. Join us in writing today! Our live teleconference sessions will be back Monday. From Monday until November 3, we will meet daily from 8:30 AM until 9 AM Pacific time on a Telephone Conferencing line.
If you can not attend, you may write with us directly from the prompts, using the optional audio prompts if that is what works for you. We aim for flexibility over "rules"... simply WRITE!
Listen to our lesson via audio by clicking below of follow along without the audio through reading the lesson. Note - The audio and the written lesson are not exactly the same today. They come to the same conclusion but the content is slightly different.
Today's topic: Using Gratitude to Fuel Your Writing
Today's Prompt: I am grateful for _______ because....
My shoulders are resting comfortably where they are supposed to this morning.
They are loose and comfy beneath my neck, aligned with my spine. I thought we would write about "relief" today, but when I looked up quotes to inspire me in this feeling of deep seated relief (yes, deep seated fits more today than deep seeded, that isn't an error – it is intentional) I couldn't
find anything that came close to how I am defining relief.
It was a gentle flash of an a-ha that told me, "What you are feeling isn't relief, it is thankfulness."
One might think a gratitude junkie like me would be well aware of the feeling of thanksgiving, but how I see the two siblings – gratitude and thankfulness – sort of explains my lack of instant recognition, the need to let the rain of thanksgiving fall on my face for a few moments before
I could recognize I had accidentally wrapped it up in the word "relief" rather than seen its true form.
"Thankfulness" recognizes Divinity, the spiritual component in the events that took place. Relief cloaks divinity into invisibility, into non-existence. It subtracts the blessing from the equation. It says "I did this" or "This happened solely because of me."
Thankfulness says, "This happened because my soul whispered softly into the ear of Divinity its song of Destiny and Divinity responded."
Professor Randy Pausch speaks of brick walls as being there so we can discern how badly we want
something. I see that as how willing my humanness is to allow my soul to express itself fully.
Thanksgiving happens when we throw ourselves up against the brick wall in all our humanness for the umpteenth time, close our eyes only to open them a moment later and find ourselves on the other side of the wall.
Somehow, someway – the strength of our desire, will and action come together – blended with that divine breath to create a circumstance that then feels like a too-tight covering of skin which thankfulness helps us to shed.
This thanksgiving comes in a gentle exhale, straight from the heart, as I surrender to sleep. I can feel the flannel pillowcase against my cheek. Thanksgiving spills from my being into the air
surrounding me.
When I wake up, refreshed, that very Thanksgiving frequently turns into Gratitude. Upon awakening I step into Gratitude, put it on and it fits, an expanded, perfectly fitting skin now
that the too-tight skin has been sloughed away.
Henry Ward Beecher said, "let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!"
I have this knowing today that rain storms of heavenly blessings are rolling into my life even as the Bakersfield sun scorches us during the Summer.
Heavenly blessings – are here.
I know heavenly blessings are there, with you, as well.
Not only is this a divine place to write from - in many aspects - it is a particularly peace-filled way to start our weekend.
Are you ready?
We are going to immerse ourselves in gratitude and blessings, just like Henry Ward Beecher suggests.
My gratitude lists are often filled with the seemingly mundane: things like coffee or sunrise or conversations with friends, each of my children, rehearsals, This Very Group of Writers, parties I attend, books I am reading, specific friends names.
And one of my secrets is I often times use my Gratitude lists as seed starters for writing. Let's begin that practice for you today.
Let's do a mental review of your yesterday up until right this moment of today.
Watch the film of your life and pluck moments of gratitude from your day. Literally, as you "watch" yesterday, pluck the simple and profound moments of gratitude as they unfolded. Mentally note them.
As we prepare to write, settle into a conscious, slightly deeper than your norm breath.We will write our way through our list, growing our awareness of the "what is up" with why we are grateful.
Writing Prompt: I am grateful for _________ because....
Add a link to any blog entries you write which relate back to our writing prompts. We would love to read your words.
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I am so grateful to be writing together with you.
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