Today’s Writing Prompt: What blessings do you see, right there, in front of you? Write of them…..
You are welcome to join “And Now You Write” at any time. Your timing is just right to write with us.
We are getting to the heart of our writing work/play now.
Please feel free to participate in our next optional teleconference writing session which will be held tomorrow, September 23 at 8:30 AM Pacific time.
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We will begin to put an increased emphasis on writing from the senses and writing from an awakened, alive space where passion thrives and we learn to treasure – or at least appreciate – the present moment.
To remember: Writing is effortless when we are alive to the world.
When we write consistently, suddenly everything else is clearer, brighter and simply better, too.
And I know you would each and all agree: Writing – and life – is grand.
We will begin, now, to expand our witness of the world through our words.
See the ordinary as extraordinary. Communicate with ease and grace.
Our eyes – Our vision – the sights we see and describe with our words – open to the light.
When I was in Massachusetts recently, I had the opportunity to visit the home of Louisa May Alcott. I was in the very room where she wrote Little Women and peered out her windows, the very windows that straddled her desk. I could feel how the sunlight felt as she wrote.
I imagine as she looked through those windows as she worked, she would have said:
“Far away there in the sunshine are my
highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but
I can look up and see their beauty, believe
in them, and try to follow where they lead.”
And now, story in seeing beauty and following where it leads for each and all of us.
My dog Hank and I stood surveying the view from a lookout point along the bluffs near our home. We have always loved standing here and pausing on our walk simply to breathe, to look down below at the Kern River canals and up to the sky at the clouds, if there are any, and straight ahead at miles and miles of oil fields.
This pause has become a cherished moment on our regular walks.
My children also love the bluffs. The night before Emma and I were out walking on a different part of this same path right at sunset. Emma was so touched by the luminescent iris – fuchsia – goldenrod appearance in
the sky she literally glowed from within as she shared her
observation of the beauty in the sky.
"Let's do this again, Mommy."
I felt gratitude welling up in me as I looked out over the view of the Kern River, slicing through the valley below me.
I wanted to see if the duck family I sometimes saw there was anywhere near by. I knew Hank would enjoy watching them frolic.
The ducks were not to be seen.
Instead my eyes caught the reflections of the trees in
the water. There was a shimmering re-visioning of the trees: one vision on solid ground, and one vision, floating in the water, moved in my heart in a way that surprised me. It brought something up in me, an unnamed emotion that I couldn’t wrap words around yet.
I had never noticed these reflections before, reflections which had clearly been present but I had not, for whatever reason, seen. I hadn’t tuned into
them until right at that perfect space of time.
I was present. I was focused on the “now” space. I wasn’t chastising myself for missing out, I was grateful for finally seeing.
I heard a familiar tune float into my consciousness, one which was written
way back in 1923 by a gentleman named Thomas Runyan.
"Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see."
Those reflections were "new" mercies, sent by the Divine, who is ever faithful to me whether the moments which appear gray and drab or which appear to be evocative with colors so vivid I can feel their mist upon my skin.
I could see them with my eyes, feel them with my heart, sing them with my voice and multiply them by expressing my joy in reflection back to you.
Merriam-Webster defines "mercies" as blessings that are an act of divine favor or compassion. They are ever present and non judgmental. They are waiting for us to notice them everyday.
I like to think they feel some sort of satisfaction when we express gratitude for them, but mostly I think they want for us to allow them to serve
as conduits for our own journey to wholeness and blessings to others everyday.
We are going to tune into the mercies you can see and experience right in this moment.
We will specifically tune into what you connect with visually right here,
right now......
Prompt: What "mercies" and/or "blessings" do you see right in front of you as you write? Take a moment to describe them, adding feelings or reflections as you write…
If your pencil, pen or fingers slow down before the
end of the time, add this to your prompt:
"and I also see......"
Later today or tomorrow: Take some time today to really notice your
surroundings - what you regularly SEE in your every day life -
- and describe them in detail with words on a page.
In being a careful, deliberate witness - you may be surprised what opens up for you - simply by becoming more aware of what you may see now that you simply didn’t see before this moment.
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I am so grateful to be writing together with you.
If you are interested in firing up your writing even more, please visit the Page for "And Now You Write: Premium Program."
Hoo-hah I'm sonnet-ing. Thanks, Julie.
Posted by: adelita | 09/24/2010 at 06:47 AM
You rock, Adelita!! Yay for sonnet-ing! (A verb, I love it!)
Posted by: Julie Jordan Scott | 09/24/2010 at 06:56 AM
I really do like what you do, Julie. Thank you for the writing prompt. It inspired me to write something that I wouldn't have without it today.
Posted by: | 09/24/2010 at 02:13 PM
award notice.
Happy Weekend!
Posted by: Jingle | 09/24/2010 at 05:57 PM
did not mean to disturb you with such notice,
your blog looks very different.
have fun on your challenge.
Posted by: Jingle | 09/28/2010 at 02:50 PM
awards for you.
keep them or share, up to you.
Posted by: Jingle | 10/11/2010 at 08:34 PM
Three awards for you, I value your participation at Jingle poetry during past weeks, hope to see you again tonight. Our theme is love and romance, have fun sharing! xxx
Posted by: Jingle | 10/24/2010 at 10:30 AM