And Now, You Write -
Yes, you. You are the only one who can write exactly what you write in exactly the way you write it. Shed comparisons, let go of competition and drape yourself in the wonder of this reality. The words you write because of who you are may mean the world to some one or more than one some one. That book, simmering deep within you, may be what nudged you to come here, to this place on the internet, to discover how to awaken and plug into a community such as this one right at this exact, precise moment.
Only you can do what you do exactly like YOU do it. No one else can whistle a tune exactly like you can and no one else can tell a story exactly the way you do and no one else can touch him or her or them in the same way YOU do. Did you hear that?Your words are your words alone. Sure, there have been other novels, other poems, other blog posts, other memoirs, other screen plays - but yours is yours. The world is waiting for your words.
And Now, You need to put aside any worries or fears or inhibitions or thoughts of why you can't write or shouldn't write or are not a writer because we know your stories, the words waiting inside you, are valid and valuable.
You might think trying to write for 49 consecutive days is just this side of crazy - well, I think it is completely on the side of "wonderful" and "artistic and creative growth." Remember, we don't compare or resort to comparison here. The 49 days we are writing with "And Now You Write" will pass whether or not you write 49 days consecutively and whether or not you participate, so why not go for it, give your all and write - right now.
Trust you are going to enjoy writing more, delight in new strategies and tools, and network with other writers through daily teleconferences (which will be recorded for those who are unable to participate live) and utilize as well the power of social media. Writers will be encouraged to post their writing daily on their blogs and participate in the Writing Camp Facebook group and/or twitter so that the other writers may find you, connect with you, and appreciate your unique writing voice. AND even as you read that, know that another unique aspect of the And Now, You Write experience is this: there are no rules here, only guidelines.
You read that right.
There are no red pens slashing at your work. There is no pack of mean girls, ready to snicker at what you "read aloud" through posting on your blog. There are no detention periods where you are held, indoors, while the other kids go out for recess because for whatever inexplicable reason the teacher didn't like what you wrote.
Our guidelines are simple: Respect yourself, respect your fellow writers and respect the process.
They include this and so much more:
You will grow your writing presence, you will make friends, you will discover things about your writing and your personal journey you never imagined all because you accepted it was time for you to grow as a writer right now - not someday, not when you have saved up more time, not when your child is out of school, not when you process the aches from your third grade teacher who critiqued you, not when you quit your job, not when any of that stuff....And Now, You Write.
There are two ways to participate in this group - one is entirely free and open to anyone in the world who has the desire to join us.
The other is a premium program which will include 7 additional hourlong teleconferences, expanded email notes, and the possibility for creativity coaching from Writing Camp founder, Julie Jordan Scott. It is for serious writers who are interested in taking the experience of And Now, You Write and creating something tangible from it. To see if the premium program may fit you better, visit here.
The time for you to write is now. And Now You Write is a bridge from where you are now to where you want to be tomorrow and the next day and next week, month and year. To register is simple: simply add use this Linky list to add your name and either your blog, your facebook page, your twitter account or if you have none of those, try using your email address OR perhaps this is your call to begin your blog, to sign up for facebook or twitter and join the big wide world of social networking.
The world is waiting for your words.
YES! Your words. Are you listening?
And Now, You Write.
We begin writing in community on September 14, 2010.
Prompts will be delivered around midnight daily via the And Now You Write webpage. You may write as soon as the prompts appear and share your words on your blog or facebook page or send an email to any of your fellow writers. It is important to write and share your words - this will make an enormous difference and be of more benefit than you may imagine. In the beginning, perhaps you will only feel comfortable emailing your words to yourself - because we don't have rules, that is perfectly fine as well. Remember, you are here to grow as a writer. Growth = sharing and encouraging others to grow as well.
Optional Daily TeleWriting Workshops will take place at 8:30 AM Pacific time. The phone numbers and more information about the calls will be posted on the And Now You Write page and will be emailed to members of the Premium Program.
We will use to tweet about our experience using the hashtag code #ANYW2010 Please celebrate alongside your fellow writers by searching that hashtag, reading the words of others and giving shout outs, re-tweets and songs of "woo hoo!" and "I get what you say 1,000%"
We will also be posting updates on the Writing Camp with Julie Jordan Scott facebook page. Please take a moment to visit the page and "like it!" so you may always be informed and in the know as well as network with all your new writing companions.
YAY! Now it is time to sign up for And Now You Write on the Linky form below. All you do is write your name in the top box along with a link to your blog or your twitter or your facebook page and then, add a comment so that we can exchange happy high fives. Put any questions or remarks in the comments as well... and then prepare for the writing experience of a lifetime.
I am so grateful to be writing together with you. And Now, You Write....simply click on the CLICK HERE Linky Tool link and next, click on You Are Next... and add your name to the roster. EXCITING!!
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If you are interested in firing up your writing even more, please visit the Page for "And Now You Write: Premium Program."